Monday, October 20, 2008

Max: How I Will Vote

This is how I am planning to vote on 11/4;

Barak Obama (duh)

Jay Nixon (no relation)

Lt Governor
Sam Page

Secretary of State
Robin Carnahan

State Treasurer
Clint Zwiefel

Attorney General
Chris Koster

US Rep, 3rd District
I had been planning to vote Green as protest against the bailout, but there is no Green Candidate. Given who is running, Russ Carnahan is where my vote must go

State Senator, 1st District
Joan Barry

State Representative, 97th District
Jan Polizzi

Ballot Measures

Constitutional Amendment 1
No. Go volunteer to teach someone English. It will do more to promote the language than this Amendment would.

Constitutional Amendment 4
Yes. Down with sewage!

Proposition A
Yes. More money for schools, sucked from then pockets of Missouri gamblers.

Proposition B
Yes. Being a Universal Health Care kinda guy, more money for in home care for the elderly is a no brainer for me.

Proposition C
Yes. Green energy! They should have included nuclear, but this is better than nothing.


Blogger Laura said...

I was reading over the ballot measures and I'm not sure what I think about Prop A. Prop A has good points and bad points. On one hand... yeah, funding the schools is a good thing. On the other hand, I don't like that they're taking the total loss limit away. But I don't like that there currently isn't a limit on how many casinos can be built. I think we're already becoming too flooded with them. So, yeah, not sure what I'll vote for that one.

And I just don't understand the point of Amend 4... so no idea on that, either.

October 21, 2008 1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When casinos were first offered and we had to vote to let them in, more money for the schools was the bait to get it passed. Our wonderful government just rearranged the budget and cut out the school funding that they had been providing so the schools really didn't benefit. Is there any guarantee that this won't happen again?

October 21, 2008 6:35 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Well, the commercials I've seen say it's in the Prop that the money HAS to go to schools... but there's probably a loop hole as usual.

October 21, 2008 10:48 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

In what aspect of life is there ever a guarantee? I support this bill as written. Are you suggesting someone should vote against bills one supports because the law may be changed in the future?

October 22, 2008 8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never...It would just make it easier if one could trust the government to do things right. So, a % the money from the casinos goes to support the schools. This is wonderful if the monies already budgeted for the schools would stay in place. Then there would be a possibility for improvement. Is that written into the law/proposition?

October 22, 2008 10:04 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

A "yes" vote will amend Missouri law to:

* repeal the current individual maximum loss limit for gambling;
* prohibit any future loss limits;
* require identification to enter the gambling area only if necessary to establish that an individual is at least 21 years old;
* restrict the number of casinos to those already built or being built;
* increase the casino gambling tax from 20% to 21%;
* create a new specific education fund from gambling tax proceeds generated as a result of this measure called the "Schools First Elementary and Secondary Education Improvement Fund"; and
* require annual audits of this new fund.

October 22, 2008 10:15 AM  

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