Thursday, February 12, 2009

Max: Because Life Isn't Stressful Enough

While at work yesterday, I received an email from Laura sharing the delightful news that she had blood in her urine. A little while later, she called to say her Dr. wanted her to go to the hospital. There, they discovered that she was dilated 1 cm and 50% effaced, something that should not happen until late April. Also, she was having contractions every 3-5 minutes. Under other circumstances this would likely have freaked me out anyway, but given our history I was about ready to have a stroke.

Fortunately, they got the contractions to stop. Unfortunately, that is no guarantee that she won't go into early labor. Tomorrow, we get to go back to the hospital so Laura can take a test that will determine if her body is planning to go into labor in the next couple of weeks.

Like I need this shit right now.

At least she is in her 30th week. Unlike Robin, Iris will have a 90% chance of survival if thrust into the world before full term. She will also have a 60% chance of not suffering any long term health consequences. That said, the longer we keep this bun in the oven, the better.

In order to enhance that chances of that, Laura is confined to bed. Not only is she only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom, she is not even allowed to sit up. After a day she is already sick of it. Given that our hope is to hold Iris back at least another 7 weeks, it is going to be a long couple of months for her.

That leaves me to both work 40+ hours a week, take care of just about everything around the house and look after Laura. I'm trying hard keep positive. Things certainly could be worse. But right now I'm not sure I am going to handle this as well as I would like.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and Laura. Hang in there Max. You are right, it is going to be a tough couple of months, but you will handle it and you will handle it well. You love her and she needs you. You won't let her down. If you need anything, I have family in St. Louis, just ask.

February 12, 2009 8:05 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

You've wanted to be a Dad for almost as long as I've known you - maybe longer, maybe you just took your time telling me you wanted to be a Dad. It's not like it mattered in our relationship, it's not exactly a topic one brings up every time they grab a Coke from the fridge.

The point that I'm taking forever to get to is that this is going to suck. Yup, suck - I went there. This is just the first step on a long road of suck.

On a TV show tonight, I learned a new phrase that I think applies here: "Embrace the suck."

Your wife is going to give birth to a healthy little girl. She'll have your Mom's eyes, your brain and, eventually, your wife's tremendous boobs. The first time you hold that child, your life will totally change. And for once, it will have changed for the better.

That little girl is going to be the light of your life, your proudest achievement and since I'm playing the fairy godfather in this fairy tale, I foresee her breaking your heart. (Pretty easy to foresee - all kids break their parent's hearts.)

You will love her more than anything you have ever loved - all the while plotting how you can quietly kill her and hide the body before anyone notices that there isn't a stereo blasting from her room anymore.

The next two months are nothing, just a little stress. When your wife nearly rips off your nipples during labor - that will be something. The first time changing the diaper will be something. The one thousandth diaper will be something else! Six months of 2AM feedings and no sleep - for you, that is - the kid will sleep just fine, whenever SHE wants. Then there's getting her into school and the orthodontia - oh yeah! Them dentists are lining up even as I write this. Then there's even more pets in the house cause "Mommy has doggies - why can't I have my OWN doggies?!"

Then comes the first kiss and the first bra (the BOOBS will show up early!) and the first boy friend (did I mention the BOOBS?) with the weird hair and the screwed up clothes. Oh, you can bet, she'll have a thing for bad boys. Buy the shot gun now!

Then - the little scum bag dumps her! OY!

Then there's her first car and high school graduation and college graduation (you barely saw her for four years yet she cost you triple!) Then, you're helping her move into her first apartment with some undergrad named Steve who needs to clean his tee shirt and get a real job. Sure they aren't dating!

Then, you're walking her down the aisle. Did I mention she would break your heart ... and be the light of your life?

So, two months of Laura bitching because she's stuck to the sheets? Not a big deal.

February 12, 2009 10:24 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

You're doing a great job so far, honey. I'm trying really hard to make it easy on you. If it ever becomes overwhelming for you, just tell me, OK? I can call on someone to give you a break. The people are lined up around the block to help me out. It's kind of overwhelming and touching. Just know you're not the only one here for me... but you are the most important one here. I love you. I'll do my damnedest to keep Iris in the oven as long as possible. Even if that means letting other people do everything for me for two months. (Sounds easy, don't it? It's not.)


February 14, 2009 2:29 PM  

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