Monday, February 02, 2009

Max: Terrorist Spanks Children, Loses Temper At Sky Waitress

In-flight confrontations can lead to charges defined as terrorism - Los Angeles Times

Tamera Jo Freeman was on a Frontier Airlines flight to Denver in 2007 when her two children began to quarrel over the window shade and then spilled a Bloody Mary into her lap.

She spanked each of them on the thigh with three swats. It was a small incident, but one that in the heightened anxiety after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks would eventually have enormous ramifications for Freeman and her children.

A flight attendant confronted Freeman, who responded by hurling a few profanities and throwing what remained of a can of tomato juice on the floor.

The incident aboard the Frontier flight ultimately led to Freeman's arrest and conviction for a federal felony defined as an act of terrorism under the Patriot Act, the controversial federal law enacted after the 2001 attacks in New York and Washington.


After three months in jail, Freeman agreed to plead guilty in exchange for being released on probation. A court-appointed attorney told her that a plea deal would be the fastest way to see her children, who had been taken back to Hawaii and put into foster care.

Her probation required her to stay in Oklahoma City, where she grew up, and prohibited her from flying. Meanwhile, legal proceedings in Hawaii have begun to allow the children's foster parents to adopt them.


Blogger Jericho Brown said...

And then they wonder why no one wants to fly anymore? I don't want to fly because I might be branded as a terrorist for snoring too loud or choking on a peanut!

And since I don't have any kids - what would they take away from me??

February 02, 2009 11:39 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

That's why we won't spank our kid....... in public. :P

February 02, 2009 6:54 PM  

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