Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Max: Good Day

I don't know if I am getting better at being positive or if today is just a particularly good day.

It started off with some great news. Laura's OB/GYN told her that she is doing way better than he expected, so much better that she no longer has to spend all day in bed. She still has to take it easy, but for a few hours a day she can actually get up and even leave the house. That is a major relief for both of us. Also, once Laura hits 36 weeks Iris will be cooked enough that Laura will be pretty much free to do as she pleases, going into labor will actually be a good thing.

From there the day could only go downhill. But, the hill was not steep.

For the first time in what seems like weeks, no friends or family were in the house when my shower time rolled around. I like to leave the bathroom door open to get ventilation, and I have gotten out of the habit of using a robe as until recently only Laura and the dogs would see me in my glory. After days of overly steamy showers and actually having to cover my shame for the journey from the bathroom to the bedroom, today was a welcome return to routine.

This week I have been working a later than usual schedule. That has been pretty nice, but parking spots were harder that usual to come by Monday and Tuesday because I wasn't arriving as everyone else was leaving for lunch. Today, however, I managed to find one of the better parking spaces unoccupied. Not a major victory, but a victory none the less.

Call volume was about average and mostly dealing with the same boring crap. But that didn't bug me. I was, and am, in too good of a mood to let them get to me like they used to.

There are other little things that make me happy. I have the latest Futurama on my computer. And I have my computer at work; usually I only being it on Friday and the weekends because it never slows down enough to use it. I have had some interesting Twitter conversations. And, fanboy that I am, I am way more please than I should be that I got to help Scott Kurtz with a minor issue with Tweetdeck. I even got a nice little Thank You tweet that were it not online but rather on a part of my body that I normally wash I would never wash it again.

Good day.


Blogger Laura said...

I had a pretty good day, too. I hope it just keeps getting better.

I love you!

March 04, 2009 10:25 PM  

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