Friday, April 10, 2009

Jericho: Divingle?

Okay, I'll cop to it, too much of my life is online.

I have the little blog here, I have other blogs, I have email accounts on Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo. I have an LJ, a MySpace, a FaceBook, a Twitter and so many others I can't keep track of it so that's why I have an account on Spock!

Just about all of these have a profile of some sort. Name, Location, Sex, Likes, Dislikes and Marital Status.

Marital Status.

I haven't started changing any of this info yet. I'm still married, we haven't even started paper work yet. We won't be "Separated" until the end of the month.

But that's not really the thing that I'm thinking about right now. I've been Single. I've been Married. I "get" why you would want to advertise these facts, why those profile-bits are important to who you are and why you would want other people to know these facts about you. They form important points of who you are.

However, I'm not sure about the "Divorced" marital status option. Almost every profile I have ever run across lists this option. I never paid much attention to it before, but I'm seeing it everywhere now.

What image are you advertising by saying you are "Divorced"? Are you telling people:

"I'm a failure at marriage!"
"Once bitten, twice as excited!"
"I'm a severe serial monogamist!"
"Desperate, lonely and abandoned!"
"I did it once, you can get me to do it again!"
"Someone made the mistake of marrying me, you can to!"
"She was a total bitch and I'm totally innocent of blame!"
"Poor communication and alcohol are not just a choice, they are a lifestyle!"

Then there is also a question of time. A Divorced person is Single. But, how long do you go before you stop identifying as Divorced and go back to just being Single? Are you Divorced forever? If you were married for six weeks, are you Divorced for the next sixty years? Or, is this all personal choice? Are you allowed to identify as Single or Divorced depending on the message you are trying to send? Is there a caché to being Divorced?

Am I just over thinking this?


Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Mai emoshunal baggaj, let me show you it.

April 10, 2009 2:07 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Well, exactly.

Name: Jericho

Occupation: Wage Slave

Sex: On Saturdays, Please.

Age: Very!

Marital Status: I massively fucked up at least one relationship. I did it so bad it affected my credit and status with the IRS. Who knows, you could be next!

Location: Fourth stall on the left.

April 10, 2009 2:17 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

I've never really thought about all this stuff. So far as personal ads go... I'm more concerned if the person was divorce and had children than just divorced. Seems like less baggage if there's no kids involved. I wouldn't suggest lying about being divorced, but then again it doesn't seem that important, either, considering your situation. You might as well be single.

Either way, if you meet someone new that gets all uptight because you're divorced, then they're not worth dating... move on. What's the rush at this point?

April 11, 2009 11:07 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

There certainly is no rush. I don't see myself getting back into the dating pool for quite some time. If I need sex, I can get that fairly easily, so, yeah, dating is off my radar. I have enough drama right now, thank you.

April 13, 2009 2:57 PM  

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