Thursday, May 14, 2009

Max: Father's Day Is A Comin'

Father's Day is a mere month and a week away. I know everyone is highly keen to shower me with material goods. Even though I am not much of a materialist, I care enough to make it easy to schwag me up. In that spirit, below are my many wishlists.
Books - Comp Sci/Math
Books - Biography/Essays
Books - Fiction
Books - Food
Books - Graphic Novels
Books - Japan
Books - Music
Books - Reference/Other
Books - Religion/Philosophy
Books - Sci/Tech
Books - Society/Gov
Books - Writing/English
DVD - Movies
DVD - Music
Gift Card
Magazine Subscriptions
Toys and Tools

Guitar Center
Max's Bass Desires

Stew Mac
Making A Solidbody Electric Guitar

Luthier's Mercantile
Build an Electric Guitar, Robbie O’Brier DVD

Birdsong Basses
Hy-5 Bass


Blogger Laura said...

Shocked to see a "clothes" category... more shocked that there's no Crocks on that list...

May 15, 2009 3:44 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Nope, just my beloved Ecco boots/shoes.

May 15, 2009 3:45 PM  

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