I can't believe that Obama has to explain this stuff to supposedly smart people.
Obama has said the same stuff over and over, he hasn't changed his tune since his campaign. And the Reppys just keep accusing him of the same thing over and over and over. It wasn't true last January, it isn't true now.
I saw a protester today with a sign that read "Stop Obama's War" - what are these people smoking?
Ok, first question asked of him, he said he would be glad to sit down and discuss ideas with Repubs. Had a different answer to that a while back. http://belowthebeltway.com/2009/08/07/obama-to-the-opposition-sit-down-and-shut-up/
I am thinking that growth and change occurred about a day after Brown won that 41st seat.
Third question, he supports clean coal. Here is how:
OBAMA: What I've said is that we would put a cap-and-trade system in place that is more -- that is as aggressive if not more aggressive than anybody else's out there, so if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
You're going to have to cite that Obama quote. Obama may be lots of things, but one thing he is most certainly is slick. He's too slick to have said something that blatant.
Fourth question, about several subjects. Not going to address them all, but he is trying to sidestep the blame for not following through. Just as a start he has over 30 lobbyists on his staff. Not holdovers from previous admin, but people he hired and placed in position.
here is an article from March when there were only at least 11. The list has grown since then.
It is late, not going to keep revealing his lies. You can research him if you like or keep beliving he is Mr. Wonderful. He is a politician, he is going to lie, McCain did too. But for the first time in his life, Obama is in a position that does not allow someone to step in and hide/obscure his fallacies and failures. He has always had umbrellas protecting him from his own mistakes before, and by that fiasco of a State of the Union Address he made, it appears he is angry. Angry at everyone who dares to not follow his agenda. He even attacked the SCOTUS. He showed nothing but arrogance, condescension, and a obvious desire to avoid responsibility for anything. He is our President, but he will never be a leader with that mindset.
Lobbyists, first off, everyone in DC who isn't cleaning someone's office is a lobbyist for someone. The "laws" governing lobbying and lobbyists are beyond broken. I'm not saying that as an excuse for Obama because both parties are fully corrupted with lobbyists. You point to thirty under Obama, I can probably find an additional 20 under him and 75 were under Bush and lobbyists have probably found a way to go back in time and work for George Washington. Let's not even go there.
And, hey, I was wrong. Apparently Barry isn't as Teflon coated as Bill was - that quote was whack.
But, let me toss something out here. I don't have a problem with cap & trade. I don't have a problem with no NEW coal plants. (Barry said it.) I don't have a problem ripping open the pockets of the multi-billionaires at the top of the energy industry who have been raping consumers and workers for the last 20 years while polluting our air and suppressing new, cleaner technology.
If you own a utility and you want to continue using coal - you pay the price. The money that gets generated goes to smart business people who have invested in green technology. Eventually, we drive out the coal and NG and go to wind and solar. And, yeah, there are people that work in the coal industry that will be affected by this. So? There were people that lost careers in the auto industry because we didn't care about them. My ex-wife lost her job at a bank because it failed. Big deal? I'm tired of watching my planet, my home, getting polluted while one group of conservatives charges me for the privilege - making themselves rich and another group lies to me that there is no climate change backed up by the money I payed to be polluted.
And, the more solar and wind, the more jobs - the people who used to work coal can get retrained. All of Obama's "spending" has made retraining funds available to displaced workers. I'm a bit of an expert on that particular subject.
Ever heard of mercury poisoning? That comes from the mercury in coal. That mercury gets spread around. It gets into the plants and the algae. The animals and the fish eat that and we eat them - the larger the animal, the more mercury. You and I and your kids and Max's kids are all walking thermometers because of coal for energy!
Bankrupt them? I want to nuke'em from orbit. But, we can't. We need them for the moment. We have to phase them out. We need to phase out gas powered cars. We need more hybrids and electric vehicles. We need more solar and wind. We need cap and trade to even the playing field.
No doubt - Obama lies. The old joke: how do you know if a politician is lying? His mouth is moving.
But, would you rather have McCain? Palin? Another eight years of Rove and Bush tactics? Is that what you want?
Bush's bullshit sent you and other of my friends off to fight in a pointless war that did nothing but kill a bunch of people, make America look bad to the rest of the world and line the pocket's of Bush and Cheney's cronies. You and I and your kids are going to be paying on the loans (from China!) that made that war possible for years to come. But, oh yeah, Obama is spending too much money.
The two party system is broken. DC is corrupt, possibly beyond help. Obama is the lesser of two evils, possibly the least evil I have seen in a possible president since Al Gore - poor, deluded bastard.
But, hey - if you don't like it, vote Palin in 2012. You get the government you pay for ...
I agree with you on the lobbyist thing. But he is blatantly lying, thinking the masses are too stupid to know better. Tired of the arrogance.
As to coal, I would love to see us move away from coal as well. Our next house is going to be as green as we can make it, including solar panels and windmill(s) if we have the land. But again, as President, don't stand there and lie about supporting clean coal when your definition of clean coal is financially imposable. Tell the truth, just say you do not support the coal industry. Yes, that will mean WV loses a LOT of jobs, but the state has been so depressed for so long, I am not sure many will notice.
I am hoping we can get a lot better candidates on both sides for 2012. No, that does not mean Palin, she is not ready to be POTUS any more than Obama is. I just hope we can get a moderate, non progressive Repub and a moderate non progressive Dem in the running for the next election. Something that will not be so polarizing.
Now, wait a minute. Saying he wants cap and trade is saying he wants clean coal.
Saying he wants to bankrupt a NEW coal plant isn't saying he isn't for clean coal.
Check out the cap & trade details. From what I have read, coal fired facilities might qualify to be on the receiving end, early on, if they have lowered their emissions. Simply sequestering CO2 might qualify. I don't know the deep details on this (I researched this, crossed my eyes!) but it's about emissions.
Current coal burning plants can burn coal cleaner. I don't see the lie here.
Arrogance, sure! Lots of it. Fighter pilot levels. You know what they say - anyone that wants to be president probably should be allowed. If you want to be the most powerful man in the world and have that much responsibility, either something is broken inside or you have a oil-tanker of chutzpah!
Oh, by the way, still glad I went to Iraq. We did a lot of good things there, but main stream media knows that good news is no news.
Did the admin and their friends make money off it, yes, and they should be held accountable for it, but that does not change what was accomplished. But now that the government is operating there, we need to get their security forces up to snuff so we can get out and see if they can calm their masses. The longer our troops remain, the more likely that they will be seen as occupying forces by the populace and there will not be peace.
I'm going to take your word that good things are going to come out of Iraq, Hud, because you are correct, I've heard a lot of bad things. Hopefully you are right and the time, treasure and lives that were spent there are worth it.
I also wanted to mention I'm glad to hear about your future house plans. More people need to think like that. Personal energy independence is awesome!
Now, "non-progressive, moderate" - here's the funny thing, whether you recognize it or not, you already have that. The saying goes that if everyone leaves the table dissatisfied, you have a compromise. Well, I know a lot of we progressives, the loony left, are not happy with Obama. We think he and the Dems should be doing more and faster. Most of us also think the Blue Dog Dems should be shot like Ol' Yeller, but that's beyond the point.
The point here is that Obama is a moderate. And, frankly, he's not that progressive. He's viewed in that light only by comparison. The majority of the Right wing has been drug so far to the right that the middle now seems left.
If Obama was what you claim, his first year would have totally written off the Republicans who were doing little more than being obstructionists. Obama comes in and tries to bring in health care and environmentalism and he's talked about like some kind of eco-terrorist. The Right has gone so far to the right that taking care of the people is now viewed as an extravagant luxury and maybe a sin.
It's so funny to me how "conservative" and "conservationist" have never been further apart. There was a time when a good conservative would have done anything they could to protect the environment. Now, they chant "Drill, baby, drill!" ... and they say I'm the loony one ...
All I'm saying is maybe it's time to turn off the Fox News, realize what you have and get behind it. I'm not saying it's perfect. I am saying it's the best deal in town.
I am not sure how obstructionist the repubs were, being that there was a super-majority in favor of the Dems in both houses. Repubs could not stop anything. He had to resort to bribing Dems in closed back room negotiations in order to get the votes he needed.
First, there is no filibuster in the House and therefore no such thing as a supermajority. And, surprise, the House passed a halfway decent healthcare bill.
In the Senate, the Dems never really had a supermajority because Lieberman was being counted as being one of that supermajority when he is the king of obstructionists.
That said, Senate Dems don't deserve to be in power. Unlike their House counterparts, they are too quick to roll over to the threat of filibuster. If anything, they should let the Republicans actually filibuster. It was Dixiecrat filibustering that largely showed what lie behind the opposition to civil right legislation. Let the Republicans filibuster so the people can see how far to the right the Republicans have gone.
Sorry, Yes the term super majority only applies to congress, but there is a large enough majority in the house to get what they want done regardless of the republicans.
I can't believe that Obama has to explain this stuff to supposedly smart people.
Obama has said the same stuff over and over, he hasn't changed his tune since his campaign. And the Reppys just keep accusing him of the same thing over and over and over. It wasn't true last January, it isn't true now.
I saw a protester today with a sign that read "Stop Obama's War" - what are these people smoking?
Tea, wrapped in pages from the Bible.
Ok, first question asked of him, he said he would be glad to sit down and discuss ideas with Repubs. Had a different answer to that a while back. http://belowthebeltway.com/2009/08/07/obama-to-the-opposition-sit-down-and-shut-up/
Oh my FSM! He's engaging in flip flopping. Or as sane people call it, growth and change.
Hey Max, how's the family? Congrats by the way.
I am thinking that growth and change occurred about a day after Brown won that 41st seat.
Third question, he supports clean coal. Here is how:
OBAMA: What I've said is that we would put a cap-and-trade system in place that is more -- that is as aggressive if not more aggressive than anybody else's out there, so if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
You're going to have to cite that Obama quote. Obama may be lots of things, but one thing he is most certainly is slick. He's too slick to have said something that blatant.
from the quote i showed above, anybody else's out there, then some explanation, then... so if somebody...
sorry, the place i took the text quote did not include what was between those two section, but you can hear the audio at the site above.
Fourth question, about several subjects. Not going to address them all, but he is trying to sidestep the blame for not following through. Just as a start he has over 30 lobbyists on his staff. Not holdovers from previous admin, but people he hired and placed in position.
here is an article from March when there were only at least 11. The list has grown since then.
It is late, not going to keep revealing his lies. You can research him if you like or keep beliving he is Mr. Wonderful. He is a politician, he is going to lie, McCain did too. But for the first time in his life, Obama is in a position that does not allow someone to step in and hide/obscure his fallacies and failures. He has always had umbrellas protecting him from his own mistakes before, and by that fiasco of a State of the Union Address he made, it appears he is angry. Angry at everyone who dares to not follow his agenda. He even attacked the SCOTUS. He showed nothing but arrogance, condescension, and a obvious desire to avoid responsibility for anything. He is our President, but he will never be a leader with that mindset.
Lobbyists, first off, everyone in DC who isn't cleaning someone's office is a lobbyist for someone. The "laws" governing lobbying and lobbyists are beyond broken. I'm not saying that as an excuse for Obama because both parties are fully corrupted with lobbyists. You point to thirty under Obama, I can probably find an additional 20 under him and 75 were under Bush and lobbyists have probably found a way to go back in time and work for George Washington. Let's not even go there.
And, hey, I was wrong. Apparently Barry isn't as Teflon coated as Bill was - that quote was whack.
But, let me toss something out here. I don't have a problem with cap & trade. I don't have a problem with no NEW coal plants. (Barry said it.) I don't have a problem ripping open the pockets of the multi-billionaires at the top of the energy industry who have been raping consumers and workers for the last 20 years while polluting our air and suppressing new, cleaner technology.
If you own a utility and you want to continue using coal - you pay the price. The money that gets generated goes to smart business people who have invested in green technology. Eventually, we drive out the coal and NG and go to wind and solar. And, yeah, there are people that work in the coal industry that will be affected by this. So? There were people that lost careers in the auto industry because we didn't care about them. My ex-wife lost her job at a bank because it failed. Big deal? I'm tired of watching my planet, my home, getting polluted while one group of conservatives charges me for the privilege - making themselves rich and another group lies to me that there is no climate change backed up by the money I payed to be polluted.
And, the more solar and wind, the more jobs - the people who used to work coal can get retrained. All of Obama's "spending" has made retraining funds available to displaced workers. I'm a bit of an expert on that particular subject.
Ever heard of mercury poisoning? That comes from the mercury in coal. That mercury gets spread around. It gets into the plants and the algae. The animals and the fish eat that and we eat them - the larger the animal, the more mercury. You and I and your kids and Max's kids are all walking thermometers because of coal for energy!
Bankrupt them? I want to nuke'em from orbit. But, we can't. We need them for the moment. We have to phase them out. We need to phase out gas powered cars. We need more hybrids and electric vehicles. We need more solar and wind. We need cap and trade to even the playing field.
Why is this so hard to understand?
No doubt - Obama lies. The old joke: how do you know if a politician is lying? His mouth is moving.
But, would you rather have McCain? Palin? Another eight years of Rove and Bush tactics? Is that what you want?
Bush's bullshit sent you and other of my friends off to fight in a pointless war that did nothing but kill a bunch of people, make America look bad to the rest of the world and line the pocket's of Bush and Cheney's cronies. You and I and your kids are going to be paying on the loans (from China!) that made that war possible for years to come. But, oh yeah, Obama is spending too much money.
The two party system is broken. DC is corrupt, possibly beyond help. Obama is the lesser of two evils, possibly the least evil I have seen in a possible president since Al Gore - poor, deluded bastard.
But, hey - if you don't like it, vote Palin in 2012. You get the government you pay for ...
I agree with you on the lobbyist thing. But he is blatantly lying, thinking the masses are too stupid to know better. Tired of the arrogance.
As to coal, I would love to see us move away from coal as well. Our next house is going to be as green as we can make it, including solar panels and windmill(s) if we have the land. But again, as President, don't stand there and lie about supporting clean coal when your definition of clean coal is financially imposable. Tell the truth, just say you do not support the coal industry. Yes, that will mean WV loses a LOT of jobs, but the state has been so depressed for so long, I am not sure many will notice.
I am hoping we can get a lot better candidates on both sides for 2012. No, that does not mean Palin, she is not ready to be POTUS any more than Obama is. I just hope we can get a moderate, non progressive Repub and a moderate non progressive Dem in the running for the next election. Something that will not be so polarizing.
Now, wait a minute. Saying he wants cap and trade is saying he wants clean coal.
Saying he wants to bankrupt a NEW coal plant isn't saying he isn't for clean coal.
Check out the cap & trade details. From what I have read, coal fired facilities might qualify to be on the receiving end, early on, if they have lowered their emissions. Simply sequestering CO2 might qualify. I don't know the deep details on this (I researched this, crossed my eyes!) but it's about emissions.
Current coal burning plants can burn coal cleaner. I don't see the lie here.
Arrogance, sure! Lots of it. Fighter pilot levels. You know what they say - anyone that wants to be president probably should be allowed. If you want to be the most powerful man in the world and have that much responsibility, either something is broken inside or you have a oil-tanker of chutzpah!
Oh, by the way, still glad I went to Iraq. We did a lot of good things there, but main stream media knows that good news is no news.
Did the admin and their friends make money off it, yes, and they should be held accountable for it, but that does not change what was accomplished. But now that the government is operating there, we need to get their security forces up to snuff so we can get out and see if they can calm their masses. The longer our troops remain, the more likely that they will be seen as occupying forces by the populace and there will not be peace.
I'm going to take your word that good things are going to come out of Iraq, Hud, because you are correct, I've heard a lot of bad things. Hopefully you are right and the time, treasure and lives that were spent there are worth it.
I also wanted to mention I'm glad to hear about your future house plans. More people need to think like that. Personal energy independence is awesome!
Now, "non-progressive, moderate" - here's the funny thing, whether you recognize it or not, you already have that. The saying goes that if everyone leaves the table dissatisfied, you have a compromise. Well, I know a lot of we progressives, the loony left, are not happy with Obama. We think he and the Dems should be doing more and faster. Most of us also think the Blue Dog Dems should be shot like Ol' Yeller, but that's beyond the point.
The point here is that Obama is a moderate. And, frankly, he's not that progressive. He's viewed in that light only by comparison. The majority of the Right wing has been drug so far to the right that the middle now seems left.
If Obama was what you claim, his first year would have totally written off the Republicans who were doing little more than being obstructionists. Obama comes in and tries to bring in health care and environmentalism and he's talked about like some kind of eco-terrorist. The Right has gone so far to the right that taking care of the people is now viewed as an extravagant luxury and maybe a sin.
It's so funny to me how "conservative" and "conservationist" have never been further apart. There was a time when a good conservative would have done anything they could to protect the environment. Now, they chant "Drill, baby, drill!" ... and they say I'm the loony one ...
All I'm saying is maybe it's time to turn off the Fox News, realize what you have and get behind it. I'm not saying it's perfect. I am saying it's the best deal in town.
I am not sure how obstructionist the repubs were, being that there was a super-majority in favor of the Dems in both houses. Repubs could not stop anything. He had to resort to bribing Dems in closed back room negotiations in order to get the votes he needed.
First, there is no filibuster in the House and therefore no such thing as a supermajority. And, surprise, the House passed a halfway decent healthcare bill.
In the Senate, the Dems never really had a supermajority because Lieberman was being counted as being one of that supermajority when he is the king of obstructionists.
That said, Senate Dems don't deserve to be in power. Unlike their House counterparts, they are too quick to roll over to the threat of filibuster. If anything, they should let the Republicans actually filibuster. It was Dixiecrat filibustering that largely showed what lie behind the opposition to civil right legislation. Let the Republicans filibuster so the people can see how far to the right the Republicans have gone.
Sorry, Yes the term super majority only applies to congress, but there is a large enough majority in the house to get what they want done regardless of the republicans.
With the exception of the fact that I used the correct terminology, that's pretty much what I said.
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