Saturday, November 29, 2003
Friday, November 28, 2003
Max: - 'It felt good,' GI says of Bush's visit - Nov. 28, 2003 - 'It felt good,' GI says of Bush's visit - Nov. 28, 2003
"BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- President Bush returned to Texas early Friday after making an unannounced visit to Baghdad to spend part of Thanksgiving Day with U.S. troops -- a trip that surprised not only the soldiers but also virtually everyone else in the world."
This will go down as one of the few cool things Shrub has done.
"BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- President Bush returned to Texas early Friday after making an unannounced visit to Baghdad to spend part of Thanksgiving Day with U.S. troops -- a trip that surprised not only the soldiers but also virtually everyone else in the world."
This will go down as one of the few cool things Shrub has done.
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Jericho: Rich Girls
I must have dosed off, but I awoke to a new and odd trend. As if reality teevee wasn't bad enough, there is suddenly a crop of reality (ha!) shows about young women with too much money. MTV is running Rich Girls and FOX is airing The Simple Life.
As far as I can tell, both of these shows feature young women who have gobs of money but missed the waiter with the tray of brains. Both shows are allowing already rich people to get even richer, I mean, I hope they were smart enough to get paid for this crap. On top of that, neither show looks all that interesting. I watched about five minutes of Rich Girls, Steph was watching it and seemed hooked, but all I could see were spoiled, brainless, self absorbed, drunk people doing nothing. When one of them put down her martini long enough to say something about Ben Franklin "the guy who invented the light bulb" - I left the room.
The other show at least has a "fish out of water" aspect, but, come on, there's a reason why most people in this country do not work on farms: hard, boring work. A sweaty, dirty Paris Hilton does nothing for me, no matter how much spam I get about her porno tape. The fact that the previews show Nicole Richie (who looks about as much like a daughter of Lionel Richie as I do) with her arm elbow-deep in a cow's ass, doesn't entice me to watch, either.
So, having seen this, I have decided to pitch a reality teevee show to all of our readers in the entertainment industry. The show will be called "Poor Schmucks" - it will star Max and myself. We will follow through our amazing lives, filled with bus rides and bad traffic, boring jobs and low pay, as well as the constant battle to maintain our bodies and minds as society and age rob us of both. Max plays bass! Jericho plays video games! They both read books!!!
Doesn't that sound better than some bleached toothpick cleaning up road-kill?
As far as I can tell, both of these shows feature young women who have gobs of money but missed the waiter with the tray of brains. Both shows are allowing already rich people to get even richer, I mean, I hope they were smart enough to get paid for this crap. On top of that, neither show looks all that interesting. I watched about five minutes of Rich Girls, Steph was watching it and seemed hooked, but all I could see were spoiled, brainless, self absorbed, drunk people doing nothing. When one of them put down her martini long enough to say something about Ben Franklin "the guy who invented the light bulb" - I left the room.
The other show at least has a "fish out of water" aspect, but, come on, there's a reason why most people in this country do not work on farms: hard, boring work. A sweaty, dirty Paris Hilton does nothing for me, no matter how much spam I get about her porno tape. The fact that the previews show Nicole Richie (who looks about as much like a daughter of Lionel Richie as I do) with her arm elbow-deep in a cow's ass, doesn't entice me to watch, either.
So, having seen this, I have decided to pitch a reality teevee show to all of our readers in the entertainment industry. The show will be called "Poor Schmucks" - it will star Max and myself. We will follow through our amazing lives, filled with bus rides and bad traffic, boring jobs and low pay, as well as the constant battle to maintain our bodies and minds as society and age rob us of both. Max plays bass! Jericho plays video games! They both read books!!!
Doesn't that sound better than some bleached toothpick cleaning up road-kill?
BBC NEWS | Americas | US chaplain faces fresh charges
BBC NEWS | Americas | US chaplain faces fresh charges
"A Muslim chaplain who served at the United States prison camp for terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba has been charged with sex offences."
Is it me or does it seem like there is more to this than military PR is letting on?
"A Muslim chaplain who served at the United States prison camp for terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba has been charged with sex offences."
Is it me or does it seem like there is more to this than military PR is letting on?
Monday, November 24, 2003
Max: - Participant at KKK initiation wounded after shots fired into sky - Nov. 24, 2003 - Participant at KKK initiation wounded after shots fired into sky - Nov. 24, 2003
"JOHNSON CITY, Tennessee (AP) -- A bullet fired in the air during a Ku Klux Klan initiation ceremony came down and struck a participant in the head, critically injuring him, authorities said."
I think the headline should be, "Stupid Redneck Gets What's Coming to Him."
"JOHNSON CITY, Tennessee (AP) -- A bullet fired in the air during a Ku Klux Klan initiation ceremony came down and struck a participant in the head, critically injuring him, authorities said."
I think the headline should be, "Stupid Redneck Gets What's Coming to Him."
Max: - Student challenges same-sex date policy - Nov. 23, 2003 - Student challenges same-sex date policy - Nov. 23, 2003
"BIG PINEY, Wyoming (AP) -- A straight teenager is challenging a school district policy that bars students from bringing same-sex dates to school dances."
"BIG PINEY, Wyoming (AP) -- A straight teenager is challenging a school district policy that bars students from bringing same-sex dates to school dances."
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Max: Stuff and Such
I know I have been pretty bad about not posting anything of substance lately. The BlogThis extension for Fire Bird started off as an interesting toy. It quickly became an excuse for posting links to news stories instead of creating something original. However, between my new job, my new extended commute and my classes, I have had almost no free time lately. And nothing much of interest has happened to me.
I will finally be getting out of training this week. This will be my last week of 8-5 M-F. The M-F I don't mind so much, but the 8-5 is killing me. Getting up early, rush hour and such things I have never been able to adjust to. The 1-10 schedule I will be starting next week will be much more welcome.
I just got my free cable installed. My area has yet to be completely upgraded, so I don't have every channel, and I don't get cable modem service (hopefully by the end of the year). But it is still pretty cool.
That is about it. Nothing much else has been going on in my life. Sad, innit?
I will finally be getting out of training this week. This will be my last week of 8-5 M-F. The M-F I don't mind so much, but the 8-5 is killing me. Getting up early, rush hour and such things I have never been able to adjust to. The 1-10 schedule I will be starting next week will be much more welcome.
I just got my free cable installed. My area has yet to be completely upgraded, so I don't have every channel, and I don't get cable modem service (hopefully by the end of the year). But it is still pretty cool.
That is about it. Nothing much else has been going on in my life. Sad, innit?
Friday, November 21, 2003
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Space rock caused 'great dying'
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Space rock caused 'great dying'
"Scientists have found new evidence that the greatest extinction in the Earth's history was triggered by an asteroid."
"Scientists have found new evidence that the greatest extinction in the Earth's history was triggered by an asteroid."
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Max: - Palace security under review - Palace security under review
LONDON, England (CNN) -- The UK government is reviewing security procedures at Buckingham Palace after a newspaper reporter said he got a job as a footman on false references inside the home of the British royal family.
LONDON, England (CNN) -- The UK government is reviewing security procedures at Buckingham Palace after a newspaper reporter said he got a job as a footman on false references inside the home of the British royal family.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Max: Massachusetts rules against ban on gay marriage
Massachusetts court rules ban on gay marriage unconstitutional
"(CNN) -- Massachusetts' highest court ruled Tuesday that the state cannot deny gays and lesbians the right to marry. "
"(CNN) -- Massachusetts' highest court ruled Tuesday that the state cannot deny gays and lesbians the right to marry. "
Monday, November 17, 2003
Jericho: Bologna
As I have gotten older, I have come to discover that the simple things in life are the ones I treasure.
Last night, just for a thrill, Steph and I went grocery shopping! Will my whirlwind life ever slow down? Between nearly being killed by mothers driving their carts much as they drive their SUVs and their children attempting to deafen me with their seemingly endless ability to shriek at the top of their lungs whenever drug into a public place, I found something extraordinary: Boloney.
Laugh if you will, but there, in a refrigerated case, was a pound of my childhood for $.88 cents. I grabbed it. It wasn't even the pure beef stuff, this was the chicken gizzards and pork lips crap I ate as a kid and I must admit I was a little giddy. Just the thought of a slice of boloney and a Kraft Single on white bread with Heinz ketchup and a shot of mustard made my tastebuds sing!
Steph and I have been trying to make better food choices for a few years now, pretty much since she moved out here. White bread nearly never makes it into my lunch bag, if it does it's the high quality stuff. I haven't bought Wonder Bread, well, ever. When I was a kid we could never afford it. The local store brands were much cheaper and they were usually bigger loaves. Heck, we couldn't even afford Bunny Bread. As an adult, there are so many bread choices and alternatives that white is just boring. For a buck I can get a loaf of bread with more grains than I care to count, with protein grams in the double digits and that actually has some chew to it. When I think white bread now, I think the stuff that costs $2.50 a loaf and comes out of the wrapper smelling like it just came out of the oven. Nummers!!
As for lunch meat, we usually get roast beef from the deli or Butterball sliced turkey breast at CostCo. Both are lower than lunch meat in fat, salt, guilt, etc. The Butterball stuff is really tasty as well and makes the roast beef look like a stick of butter. Putting mayo on it is almost a crime - you just wait for Richard Simmons to burst through the door and strangle you with his perm. So, two slices, a little mustard and no cheese on 300 grain bread that has never been tested on animals or produced with child labor. A guilt free lunch.*
Over and over and over and over and over! Bah!!!
So, today, I broke out some good, locally produced white bread, loaded it with TWO slices of babbean (it's what I called it when I was a baby, it caught on with my family, big boloney eaters), two Kraft singles, Heinz Ketchup and Gulden's mustard. Fucking yum!
I ate two of those sandwiches and loved every bite. This country was built on white bread and bologna. Without that stuff, skyscrapers and battle ships would still be parts on the ground. The energy from that cheap meat substitute and the airiest bread ever conceived have made this country what it is. In our quest for perfect nutrition and long life through self denial, sometimes a good thing can be forgotten.
Whatever, it tastes better than Spam. You look hungry, go have a sandwich.
*Turkeys are mean and evil, if they didn't taste so good we would have exterminated them as pests two hundred years ago. I feel no remorse for having feasted on their tender, juicy, hormone injected flesh.
Last night, just for a thrill, Steph and I went grocery shopping! Will my whirlwind life ever slow down? Between nearly being killed by mothers driving their carts much as they drive their SUVs and their children attempting to deafen me with their seemingly endless ability to shriek at the top of their lungs whenever drug into a public place, I found something extraordinary: Boloney.
Laugh if you will, but there, in a refrigerated case, was a pound of my childhood for $.88 cents. I grabbed it. It wasn't even the pure beef stuff, this was the chicken gizzards and pork lips crap I ate as a kid and I must admit I was a little giddy. Just the thought of a slice of boloney and a Kraft Single on white bread with Heinz ketchup and a shot of mustard made my tastebuds sing!
Steph and I have been trying to make better food choices for a few years now, pretty much since she moved out here. White bread nearly never makes it into my lunch bag, if it does it's the high quality stuff. I haven't bought Wonder Bread, well, ever. When I was a kid we could never afford it. The local store brands were much cheaper and they were usually bigger loaves. Heck, we couldn't even afford Bunny Bread. As an adult, there are so many bread choices and alternatives that white is just boring. For a buck I can get a loaf of bread with more grains than I care to count, with protein grams in the double digits and that actually has some chew to it. When I think white bread now, I think the stuff that costs $2.50 a loaf and comes out of the wrapper smelling like it just came out of the oven. Nummers!!
As for lunch meat, we usually get roast beef from the deli or Butterball sliced turkey breast at CostCo. Both are lower than lunch meat in fat, salt, guilt, etc. The Butterball stuff is really tasty as well and makes the roast beef look like a stick of butter. Putting mayo on it is almost a crime - you just wait for Richard Simmons to burst through the door and strangle you with his perm. So, two slices, a little mustard and no cheese on 300 grain bread that has never been tested on animals or produced with child labor. A guilt free lunch.*
Over and over and over and over and over! Bah!!!
So, today, I broke out some good, locally produced white bread, loaded it with TWO slices of babbean (it's what I called it when I was a baby, it caught on with my family, big boloney eaters), two Kraft singles, Heinz Ketchup and Gulden's mustard. Fucking yum!
I ate two of those sandwiches and loved every bite. This country was built on white bread and bologna. Without that stuff, skyscrapers and battle ships would still be parts on the ground. The energy from that cheap meat substitute and the airiest bread ever conceived have made this country what it is. In our quest for perfect nutrition and long life through self denial, sometimes a good thing can be forgotten.
Whatever, it tastes better than Spam. You look hungry, go have a sandwich.
*Turkeys are mean and evil, if they didn't taste so good we would have exterminated them as pests two hundred years ago. I feel no remorse for having feasted on their tender, juicy, hormone injected flesh.
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Max: Consummate Hipster

You are the Consummate Hipster. Newbies bow to
you, everyone else just stares, as you swagger
down the street with "Little Green
Bag" stuck in your head.
What Kind of Hipster Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Max: Guardian | Vatican: condoms don't stop Aids
Guardian | Vatican: condoms don't stop Aids
"The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to HIV. "
God bless the Catholic Church. They are so generous in giving so many the chance to die for their outdated dogma.
"The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to HIV. "
God bless the Catholic Church. They are so generous in giving so many the chance to die for their outdated dogma.
Friday, November 14, 2003
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Jericho: My Viet Nam
I hate it when I can't tell if I'm over reacting or not.
My brain just put some things together that I'm not happy about. If you can find your way to the comments around here through the barrage of news, you may find some interesting information about my friend, Hud.
A while back, I found out two of my friends, completely independent of each other, both over thirty, decided to join the Army. Jim, well, I haven't talked to him in forever and frankly I'm angry at him - whatever. But, Hud, one of my closest friends, was the other. At the time, he was talking about linguistics training or something like that. All I hear is "DIA" and "Desk Job". Perfect, a thirty year old man takes his intelligence and education off to serve his country and they put him someplace where people will not typically point guns at him and expect him not to duck. Fine. I'm happy he chose to serve. It certainly sounded better than the job he had at UPS.
Next thing I hear, he's going to be an MP, Military Police. Fine, all I hear is "Gate guard for some installation in Germany or Guam". Sure, there's danger, but there's enough bases around the world that my friend won't be in direct danger, right?
So, now, in the comments field below, Hud puts all the bits together for me: Military. Police. One. Hundred. Miles. From. Baghdad.
This is not a desk job. He is not a gate guard. My friend is now a target.
He leaves in less than a week. The last time I saw him was my wedding. The last time I saw him before that was his wedding.
Do you know what a Russian made 7.62 bullet can do to a human body? Do you know what it will do to his wife? How about his two kids?
I know.
Hud, I love you. You have been part of my life for almost half of it. I have always looked up to you. You have always been the man I wanted to be. You have always been my hero. I know this sounds stupid, I know you aren't even there yet. But, you know how those people in books and movies always say "I never had the chance to tell them how I feel." Well, I just told you. There are other stupid things I want to tell you. I want to tell you to not win any medals over there. I want to tell you that incoming fire always has the right of way. I want to tell you that when in doubt, empty the clip. I want to tell you lots of stuff. But, mostly, I already told you what I wanted to tell you.
I never thought my Viet Nam would come after I turned thirty. My Viet Nam was supposed to have been in college, Desert Storm. I know someone who got a Purple Heart in Saudi. He tripped into a fox-hole and broke his tooth while delivering the mail. That was enough for me.
Hud once broke his tooth while playing frisbee. Now, they have given Mr. Coordination a gun! I saw him fall off a bike once while standing still! Now they'll give him a Humvee - I've seen him in his Camaro! You people don't know! The boy can't put one foot in front of the other but behind the wheel he's an animal!
Look, I don't know what any of this means. To think I was worried about you on your wedding day! (Sorry, Linda.) I guess what I'm trying to say is, Hud, please come back in one piece. Okay?
My brain just put some things together that I'm not happy about. If you can find your way to the comments around here through the barrage of news, you may find some interesting information about my friend, Hud.
A while back, I found out two of my friends, completely independent of each other, both over thirty, decided to join the Army. Jim, well, I haven't talked to him in forever and frankly I'm angry at him - whatever. But, Hud, one of my closest friends, was the other. At the time, he was talking about linguistics training or something like that. All I hear is "DIA" and "Desk Job". Perfect, a thirty year old man takes his intelligence and education off to serve his country and they put him someplace where people will not typically point guns at him and expect him not to duck. Fine. I'm happy he chose to serve. It certainly sounded better than the job he had at UPS.
Next thing I hear, he's going to be an MP, Military Police. Fine, all I hear is "Gate guard for some installation in Germany or Guam". Sure, there's danger, but there's enough bases around the world that my friend won't be in direct danger, right?
So, now, in the comments field below, Hud puts all the bits together for me: Military. Police. One. Hundred. Miles. From. Baghdad.
This is not a desk job. He is not a gate guard. My friend is now a target.
He leaves in less than a week. The last time I saw him was my wedding. The last time I saw him before that was his wedding.
Do you know what a Russian made 7.62 bullet can do to a human body? Do you know what it will do to his wife? How about his two kids?
I know.
Hud, I love you. You have been part of my life for almost half of it. I have always looked up to you. You have always been the man I wanted to be. You have always been my hero. I know this sounds stupid, I know you aren't even there yet. But, you know how those people in books and movies always say "I never had the chance to tell them how I feel." Well, I just told you. There are other stupid things I want to tell you. I want to tell you to not win any medals over there. I want to tell you that incoming fire always has the right of way. I want to tell you that when in doubt, empty the clip. I want to tell you lots of stuff. But, mostly, I already told you what I wanted to tell you.
I never thought my Viet Nam would come after I turned thirty. My Viet Nam was supposed to have been in college, Desert Storm. I know someone who got a Purple Heart in Saudi. He tripped into a fox-hole and broke his tooth while delivering the mail. That was enough for me.
Hud once broke his tooth while playing frisbee. Now, they have given Mr. Coordination a gun! I saw him fall off a bike once while standing still! Now they'll give him a Humvee - I've seen him in his Camaro! You people don't know! The boy can't put one foot in front of the other but behind the wheel he's an animal!
Look, I don't know what any of this means. To think I was worried about you on your wedding day! (Sorry, Linda.) I guess what I'm trying to say is, Hud, please come back in one piece. Okay?
Yahoo! News - Taiwan Arrests Trainers at Gigolo School
Yahoo! News - Taiwan Arrests Trainers at Gigolo School
"TAIPEI, Taiwan - Police raided a gigolo training center in northern Taiwan and arrested nine of the school's operators for over charging students, officials said Thursday."
"TAIPEI, Taiwan - Police raided a gigolo training center in northern Taiwan and arrested nine of the school's operators for over charging students, officials said Thursday."
Max: Yahoo! News - Bush Wants Iraqis to Assume More Responsibility
Yahoo! News - Bush Wants Iraqis to Assume More Responsibility
"'What I'm interested in doing is working with Ambassador Bremer and the governing council to work on a plan that will encourage the Iraqis to assume more responsibility,' Bush told reporters in the Oval Office."
"'What I'm interested in doing is working with Ambassador Bremer and the governing council to work on a plan that will encourage the Iraqis to assume more responsibility,' Bush told reporters in the Oval Office."
Max: Yahoo! News - Ten Commandments Judge Stripped of Office
Yahoo! News - Ten Commandments Judge Stripped of Office:
"The Alabama chief justice whose refusal to obey a U.S. order to move a Ten Commandments monument fueled a national debate over the place of God in public life was stripped of his office by a state judicial panel on Thursday."
"The Alabama chief justice whose refusal to obey a U.S. order to move a Ten Commandments monument fueled a national debate over the place of God in public life was stripped of his office by a state judicial panel on Thursday."
Max: Findings Dampen Hope of Water on Dark Side of Moon
Yahoo! News - Findings Dampen Hope of Water on Dark Side of Moon
"Scientists dampened hopes of finding large amounts of water on the dark side of the Moon on Wednesday with new evidence showing that if any deposits existed, they are in short supply."
"Scientists dampened hopes of finding large amounts of water on the dark side of the Moon on Wednesday with new evidence showing that if any deposits existed, they are in short supply."
Max: BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan postpones Iraq deployment
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan postpones Iraq deployment
"Japan's constitution bans its forces from engaging in offensive operations.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq and the subsequent occupation, received parliamentary approval last July to send up to 1,000 troops to Iraq."
"Japan's constitution bans its forces from engaging in offensive operations.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq and the subsequent occupation, received parliamentary approval last July to send up to 1,000 troops to Iraq."
Max: BBC NEWS | Americas | Senators square off in talkathon
BBC NEWS | Americas | Senators square off in talkathon
"Democrats respond that they have helped approve 168 Bush nominees, blocking only four. Democrat Senate staffers printed t-shirts that read 'We confirmed 98% of Bush's judges and all we got were these lousy t-shirts.' The Democrats also argue that Republicans refused to confirm 63 judges nominated by former President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. "
"Democrats respond that they have helped approve 168 Bush nominees, blocking only four. Democrat Senate staffers printed t-shirts that read 'We confirmed 98% of Bush's judges and all we got were these lousy t-shirts.' The Democrats also argue that Republicans refused to confirm 63 judges nominated by former President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. "
Max: BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan postpones Iraq deployment
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan postpones Iraq deployment
"Japan's constitution bans its forces from engaging in offensive operations.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq and the subsequent occupation, received parliamentary approval last July to send up to 1,000 troops to Iraq.
But BBC Tokyo correspondent Jonathan Head says that since then, as the security situation has deteriorated, an already uneasy Japanese public has turned against the policy. "
"Japan's constitution bans its forces from engaging in offensive operations.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq and the subsequent occupation, received parliamentary approval last July to send up to 1,000 troops to Iraq.
But BBC Tokyo correspondent Jonathan Head says that since then, as the security situation has deteriorated, an already uneasy Japanese public has turned against the policy. "
Max: - Freakish storm hits Southern California - Nov. 13, 2003 - Freakish storm hits Southern California - Nov. 13, 2003
"LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A freak storm pummeled parts of Southern California with up to five inches of rain and hail, forcing motorists to abandon swamped cars at the height of rush hour and leaving thousands of residents without power. "
"LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A freak storm pummeled parts of Southern California with up to five inches of rain and hail, forcing motorists to abandon swamped cars at the height of rush hour and leaving thousands of residents without power. "
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Max: Vote count marred by computer woes
Vote count marred by computer woes
"'It was like 144,000 votes cast,' said Garofolo, whose corrected accounting showed just 5,352 ballots from a pool of fewer than 19,000 registered voters."
"'It was like 144,000 votes cast,' said Garofolo, whose corrected accounting showed just 5,352 ballots from a pool of fewer than 19,000 registered voters."
Max: - U.S. attacks insurgents in Iraq - Nov. 12, 2003 - U.S. attacks insurgents in Iraq - Nov. 12, 2003
"BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. forces launched two attacks on Iraqi insurgents late Wednesday, military officials said, hours after a bombing that killed at least 25 people at the Italian military police headquarters in Nasiriya."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. forces launched two attacks on Iraqi insurgents late Wednesday, military officials said, hours after a bombing that killed at least 25 people at the Italian military police headquarters in Nasiriya."
Max: SpaceDev Auctioning Microsatellite Mission On eBay
SpaceDev Auctioning Microsatellite Mission On eBay
"The package, which has a starting price of $9.5 million, includes insurance covering launch and on-orbit operations, SpaceDev said."
"The package, which has a starting price of $9.5 million, includes insurance covering launch and on-orbit operations, SpaceDev said."
Max: BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Eaten missionary's family head for Fiji
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Eaten missionary's family head for Fiji
"The residents of a Fiji village are preparing to apologise to the family of a English Christian missionary who was eaten by tribes people 136 years ago.
Cows, fine mats and 30 sperm whales' teeth are to be presented to Thomas Baker's descendants in the traditional ceremony on Thursday."
"The residents of a Fiji village are preparing to apologise to the family of a English Christian missionary who was eaten by tribes people 136 years ago.
Cows, fine mats and 30 sperm whales' teeth are to be presented to Thomas Baker's descendants in the traditional ceremony on Thursday."
Max: BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Planet search mission cancelled
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Planet search mission cancelled
This kind of sucks.
"At a meeting, the European Space Agency's Science Programme Committee (Spc) decided that due to money problems it was forced to cancel the Eddington planet-search mission and reduce the BepiColombo mission to Mercury. "
This kind of sucks.
"At a meeting, the European Space Agency's Science Programme Committee (Spc) decided that due to money problems it was forced to cancel the Eddington planet-search mission and reduce the BepiColombo mission to Mercury. "
Monday, November 10, 2003
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Max: Iraq
There has been something I have been meaning to say about our current operations in Iraq. A combination of laziness and an ever increasing intolerance for futility have kept me silent. But, there is something I feel that needs to be said.
First, all evidence still points to our invasion of Iraq was a mistake based on either stupidity or lies. Niether speak well of the Shrub administration. Now, several of my comrades with whom I stood in opposition to the war are now calling for our immediate withdrawal from Iraq. To those making such calls, I have to ask, "Are you out of your fucking skulls?"
Going into Iraq was a mistake. Leaving Iraq now would be a bigger mistake. If we leave them in their current state of near anarchy, it will become an even greater breeding ground for terrorist than Afganistan ever was. We need to work as quickly as possible to establish a stable Iraqi civil authority, but until we have fixed what we broke, we have a duty to stay.
To those who wanted to make grants to rebuild Iraq into loan, I invite you to study the treatment of Germany after WWI and the long term consquences of that treatment.
First, all evidence still points to our invasion of Iraq was a mistake based on either stupidity or lies. Niether speak well of the Shrub administration. Now, several of my comrades with whom I stood in opposition to the war are now calling for our immediate withdrawal from Iraq. To those making such calls, I have to ask, "Are you out of your fucking skulls?"
Going into Iraq was a mistake. Leaving Iraq now would be a bigger mistake. If we leave them in their current state of near anarchy, it will become an even greater breeding ground for terrorist than Afganistan ever was. We need to work as quickly as possible to establish a stable Iraqi civil authority, but until we have fixed what we broke, we have a duty to stay.
To those who wanted to make grants to rebuild Iraq into loan, I invite you to study the treatment of Germany after WWI and the long term consquences of that treatment.
Saturday, November 08, 2003
Max: Python - A Scream of Consciousness
I have just had a fairly Monty Python intensive couple of weeks. First I picked up the new, feature packed Meaning of Life DVD set. Then I read The Pythons, the new group autobiography. I capped those off last night when Laura and I went to see Eric Idle's Greedy Bastard Tour up at the Touhill.
I have long been a fan of British comedy in general and Monty Python in particular. One of the few fond memories of my otherwise unmemorable adolescence was of Sunday nights when MTV showed The Young Ones, The British Comic Strip and Monty Python's Flying Circus. Red Dwarf and Black Adder soon joined my list of British faves, along with their Canadian colonials Kids in the Hall.
It is that sort of farcifal, absurdist comedy - the sort that regularly grinds sacred cows into some darn fine hamburger - that forms that basis of my sense of humor. Life is cruel, empty and meaningless. We are surrounded by stupid, petty, heartless people who have more say over our lives than we do. What can you do but laugh at it? It is that sort of humor that filled my long since aborted novel. It is can be found in most of my writing. I've even written a few scripts for a sketch comedy show that has yet to transform into anything but bits on my hard disk. I really want to do something with those scripts.
Its seems time has beaten Jericho down. It has been having the opposite effect on me. As time goes on, I am more desperate than ever to do something interesting with my life. As I watched the show last night, I felt a pang, a deep desire to be the one on the stage, the one with the legion of fans and a lifetime of achievement. The odds are it won't happen. More and more, I feel I need to try.
I have long been a fan of British comedy in general and Monty Python in particular. One of the few fond memories of my otherwise unmemorable adolescence was of Sunday nights when MTV showed The Young Ones, The British Comic Strip and Monty Python's Flying Circus. Red Dwarf and Black Adder soon joined my list of British faves, along with their Canadian colonials Kids in the Hall.
It is that sort of farcifal, absurdist comedy - the sort that regularly grinds sacred cows into some darn fine hamburger - that forms that basis of my sense of humor. Life is cruel, empty and meaningless. We are surrounded by stupid, petty, heartless people who have more say over our lives than we do. What can you do but laugh at it? It is that sort of humor that filled my long since aborted novel. It is can be found in most of my writing. I've even written a few scripts for a sketch comedy show that has yet to transform into anything but bits on my hard disk. I really want to do something with those scripts.
Its seems time has beaten Jericho down. It has been having the opposite effect on me. As time goes on, I am more desperate than ever to do something interesting with my life. As I watched the show last night, I felt a pang, a deep desire to be the one on the stage, the one with the legion of fans and a lifetime of achievement. The odds are it won't happen. More and more, I feel I need to try.
Friday, November 07, 2003
Jericho: 32 Yesterday
My birthday was yesterday. I turned the ripe age of 32.
Don't worry if you didn't wish me a happy birthday. It's cool. I didn't say anything to anyone. We're all busy these days and this was just not that big a deal. No sweat. No need to do it now. Say it next year.
One of the things I enjoyed about this birthday was that it was so simple. A few people said happy birthday, my mom called and we talked for two hours, my in-laws are sending a card, most likely loaded with loot and Steph made a fuss. But, other than that, it was just, well, easy. It was another day, a day that ended with a great dinner and a pile of cool DVDs from Steph, but just another day.
I'm not even depressed or angry about it. I've fought getting old for so long - too long. Now that thirty is a vanishing memory, it almost feels good to let it go. Ease back, taper off, let the senility settle in and enjoy the freefall into non-existence. Really, I'm not even being sarcastic.
I mean, I've fought the fight. The fight is over and I have lost. My spirit is broken, I surrender and surrender feels pretty good.
I will die. Immortality will not be achieved by medical science before my time comes. I have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning. My chances of dying from cancer in the next two decades are exponentially higher. I will never leave this planet. NASA, the leaders in space exploration, are still talking robotic missions to Mars in the next two decades, a manned mission is a hypothetical pursuit and civilians visiting there is a laughable footnote more than five decades out. I have a better chance of winning Power Ball than stepping foot on Mars. The next three or so decades of my life will be spent in jobs I hate, barely making enough to keep my credit cards maxed but the monthly bill paid. I will retire early, at about age sixty. Between Steph and I we will have saved about $150,000, which equates to about $75,000 in the year 2030. Obviously we will be broke within five years.
There's nothing I can do, so, I am planning to just enjoy the ride. Who cares? What does it matter? I have a loving wife, a home I can call my own, even though the bank will own it until 2033, a good job at a fair wage, cable teevee and my computers. I'm just going to lay back and enjoy what I have earned - the rest of you can go to hell in a hand-basket. You are going there anyway. There is nothing you can do, either.
I feel SO MUCH better!
Don't worry if you didn't wish me a happy birthday. It's cool. I didn't say anything to anyone. We're all busy these days and this was just not that big a deal. No sweat. No need to do it now. Say it next year.
One of the things I enjoyed about this birthday was that it was so simple. A few people said happy birthday, my mom called and we talked for two hours, my in-laws are sending a card, most likely loaded with loot and Steph made a fuss. But, other than that, it was just, well, easy. It was another day, a day that ended with a great dinner and a pile of cool DVDs from Steph, but just another day.
I'm not even depressed or angry about it. I've fought getting old for so long - too long. Now that thirty is a vanishing memory, it almost feels good to let it go. Ease back, taper off, let the senility settle in and enjoy the freefall into non-existence. Really, I'm not even being sarcastic.
I mean, I've fought the fight. The fight is over and I have lost. My spirit is broken, I surrender and surrender feels pretty good.
I will die. Immortality will not be achieved by medical science before my time comes. I have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning. My chances of dying from cancer in the next two decades are exponentially higher. I will never leave this planet. NASA, the leaders in space exploration, are still talking robotic missions to Mars in the next two decades, a manned mission is a hypothetical pursuit and civilians visiting there is a laughable footnote more than five decades out. I have a better chance of winning Power Ball than stepping foot on Mars. The next three or so decades of my life will be spent in jobs I hate, barely making enough to keep my credit cards maxed but the monthly bill paid. I will retire early, at about age sixty. Between Steph and I we will have saved about $150,000, which equates to about $75,000 in the year 2030. Obviously we will be broke within five years.
There's nothing I can do, so, I am planning to just enjoy the ride. Who cares? What does it matter? I have a loving wife, a home I can call my own, even though the bank will own it until 2033, a good job at a fair wage, cable teevee and my computers. I'm just going to lay back and enjoy what I have earned - the rest of you can go to hell in a hand-basket. You are going there anyway. There is nothing you can do, either.
I feel SO MUCH better!
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Jericho: Hurt
I find it easy to say that Rock and Roll music, as diverse as it has become, irregularly produces a song that touches at the essence of some aspect of being human. I think all genres of music do this, but rock, being the music of the masses, is often overlooked. The passion and poetry applied to this form are often missed by those that hear only the clashing guitars and screaming vocals.
Hard Rock is often more of a victim of the hatred and neglect the rest of genre suffers. Other sub-genres, such as Techno, Industrial and the so-called Nu Metal suffer even more. Many miss the musicianship and lyrical depth because of the cacophony of the piece. The masses fail to see beyond the surface.
However, today I experienced one of those fleeting moments of Rock greatness.
Ever heard of a little band called Nine Inch Nails? They are a popular Industrial act headed up by the genius of Trent Reznor. Several years ago I started paying attention to NIN and Trent. About this time, MTV put into heavy rotation a live version of the song "Hurt". It didn't take me long to buy a copy of the album with that song. It touched the darkest parts of me in a way I've never been touched.
A few months later, Max and I got to see NIN in concert with David Bowie - this was an orgasmic concert. Trent came out and blew the crowd away. When David hit the stage, I had to fight to stay awake. But, in the middle, Reznor and Bowie did a duet of Hurt. It's a memory I will hold for a very long time. It's one of the most incredible things I've ever been witness to. If I ever get the chance to go back in time - I want to go see the look on my face at that moment.
Today, I was flipping through the channels on teevee in the bedroom. We only have basic cable in there, so there is rarely anything worth watching for very long. I tripped past CMT, the Country Music Channel and was stopped in my tracks. The lyrics grabbed me and held firm. The voice was unmistakable. It was Johnny Cash singing Hurt. I was stunned. One of the most tortured men in country music singing one of the darkest tunes I can think of. It was perfect. The changes in the lyrics were appropriate and striking. When Johnny sang "I wear this crown of thorns/upon my liar's chair", I was dumbfounded. Johnny changed Reznor's psycho/political commentary to a religious one. I was aware of some exchange between the Hard Rock world and Mr. Cash, as I had heard him do a Soundgarden song once, but I hadn't realized it went this deep. I'm awestruck as I write this.
Needless to say, I will be album shopping soon. My hope is that other serious musicians see the possibilities of the hard rock genre and go exploring their darker sides.
Hard Rock is often more of a victim of the hatred and neglect the rest of genre suffers. Other sub-genres, such as Techno, Industrial and the so-called Nu Metal suffer even more. Many miss the musicianship and lyrical depth because of the cacophony of the piece. The masses fail to see beyond the surface.
However, today I experienced one of those fleeting moments of Rock greatness.
Ever heard of a little band called Nine Inch Nails? They are a popular Industrial act headed up by the genius of Trent Reznor. Several years ago I started paying attention to NIN and Trent. About this time, MTV put into heavy rotation a live version of the song "Hurt". It didn't take me long to buy a copy of the album with that song. It touched the darkest parts of me in a way I've never been touched.
A few months later, Max and I got to see NIN in concert with David Bowie - this was an orgasmic concert. Trent came out and blew the crowd away. When David hit the stage, I had to fight to stay awake. But, in the middle, Reznor and Bowie did a duet of Hurt. It's a memory I will hold for a very long time. It's one of the most incredible things I've ever been witness to. If I ever get the chance to go back in time - I want to go see the look on my face at that moment.
Today, I was flipping through the channels on teevee in the bedroom. We only have basic cable in there, so there is rarely anything worth watching for very long. I tripped past CMT, the Country Music Channel and was stopped in my tracks. The lyrics grabbed me and held firm. The voice was unmistakable. It was Johnny Cash singing Hurt. I was stunned. One of the most tortured men in country music singing one of the darkest tunes I can think of. It was perfect. The changes in the lyrics were appropriate and striking. When Johnny sang "I wear this crown of thorns/upon my liar's chair", I was dumbfounded. Johnny changed Reznor's psycho/political commentary to a religious one. I was aware of some exchange between the Hard Rock world and Mr. Cash, as I had heard him do a Soundgarden song once, but I hadn't realized it went this deep. I'm awestruck as I write this.
Needless to say, I will be album shopping soon. My hope is that other serious musicians see the possibilities of the hard rock genre and go exploring their darker sides.
Monday, November 03, 2003
Jericho: Virus Rhino
I hate being sick.
As if life didn't suck enough! You have to work, pay bills, and then you get the cold that has been floating around the office for the last week. Bleck!
Every year at least one cold and one flu make their way through the Systems department. I don't get them every year, but I got the cold this year. Of course, getting sick as an adult isn't like getting sick as a child. Getting sick as a kid is almost fun, it's an excuse to stay in bed, watch cartoons, eat comfort food and have your mom make a big fuss over you.
Sure, I got most of that. I got to stay in bed for the whole weekend, watch crap teevee, cuddle with the cats and Steph made a fuss. All of that is great. But, unlike when I was a kid, I was missing out on stuff. I have things I want to do on weekends. I want to work on my new comic strip. I want to do junk around the house. I missed a chance to hang out with a friend on Sunday. Hell, I didn't even read much because I spent most of the time asleep. And the crap teevee was REALLY crappy.
As a kid, you never feel guilty when you get sick. But I feel guilty. Steph made a fuss over me, but she has stuff she wants to do, the last thing she needs is a whiny, moany, snoring husband for a full weekend. Nothing like taking care of a 30+ plus year old, 450 pound baby! She works hard, she deserves a good weekend. I am not the most domestic creature in the world, but I at least wanted to do the dishes. Well, I never got to those, or anything else for that matter. That includes any Halloween activities as the cold started to bring me down on Friday.
On top of all this, Steph is home today with this lovely disease. She was feeling bad this morning. I wanted to call her all day to see how she felt, but I didn't want to wake her. I don't know about you, but all I want to do is sleep when I'm sick. Unlike me, Steph is very domestic and sometimes doesn't know when to just take it easy. Wanna bet she spent the day answering work email and then did the dishes? Wanna bet I have dinner waiting for me when I get home? Both of those are sucker bets - I know my wife. It would take losing both legs to keep her in bed, and then just until her wheel chair was delivered.
Someone out there needs to get to work and kill off the common cold. I know it's not that easy, but, darnit, they landed a man on the moon thirty plus years ago, rhinovirus should be a historical footnote by now.
As if life didn't suck enough! You have to work, pay bills, and then you get the cold that has been floating around the office for the last week. Bleck!
Every year at least one cold and one flu make their way through the Systems department. I don't get them every year, but I got the cold this year. Of course, getting sick as an adult isn't like getting sick as a child. Getting sick as a kid is almost fun, it's an excuse to stay in bed, watch cartoons, eat comfort food and have your mom make a big fuss over you.
Sure, I got most of that. I got to stay in bed for the whole weekend, watch crap teevee, cuddle with the cats and Steph made a fuss. All of that is great. But, unlike when I was a kid, I was missing out on stuff. I have things I want to do on weekends. I want to work on my new comic strip. I want to do junk around the house. I missed a chance to hang out with a friend on Sunday. Hell, I didn't even read much because I spent most of the time asleep. And the crap teevee was REALLY crappy.
As a kid, you never feel guilty when you get sick. But I feel guilty. Steph made a fuss over me, but she has stuff she wants to do, the last thing she needs is a whiny, moany, snoring husband for a full weekend. Nothing like taking care of a 30+ plus year old, 450 pound baby! She works hard, she deserves a good weekend. I am not the most domestic creature in the world, but I at least wanted to do the dishes. Well, I never got to those, or anything else for that matter. That includes any Halloween activities as the cold started to bring me down on Friday.
On top of all this, Steph is home today with this lovely disease. She was feeling bad this morning. I wanted to call her all day to see how she felt, but I didn't want to wake her. I don't know about you, but all I want to do is sleep when I'm sick. Unlike me, Steph is very domestic and sometimes doesn't know when to just take it easy. Wanna bet she spent the day answering work email and then did the dishes? Wanna bet I have dinner waiting for me when I get home? Both of those are sucker bets - I know my wife. It would take losing both legs to keep her in bed, and then just until her wheel chair was delivered.
Someone out there needs to get to work and kill off the common cold. I know it's not that easy, but, darnit, they landed a man on the moon thirty plus years ago, rhinovirus should be a historical footnote by now.
Saturday, November 01, 2003
Billy Sheehan
The second in our series of interviews with bass players Max wishes he was as good as has us talking to bass god Billy Sheehan. From rocking hard with Talas, David Lee Roth, Steve Vai and Mr. Big to his jazzier turns with Niacin, Billy's distinctive tone, jaw dropping chops and inspiring musicality have sent many bass players to the wood shed.
The interview can be read here. Our Features section keeps on growing.
The interview can be read here. Our Features section keeps on growing.