Thursday, May 31, 2007

Jericho: As if we needed a reason ...

Just when we are talking about getting out of Iraq, Iran has to raise its head and talk tough about a nuke program. This hasn't been enough to stir the voters to go to war with Iran. So, now this comes along.

How many wars can we have at once? How many wars can King George II start before he leaves office? We are all about to find out.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Max: Tux

I have my new HD installed. I switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu and am now a happy, full time Linux freique.

Jericho: Bad Wage Slave! No Sabbatical!

As some of our readers are aware, I hate my current job.

At heart, I'm a lazy bum. I find "going to work" distasteful at best. Having said that, I seem to find more and more stressful jobs and I seem to hold on to them forever. The last job I had, the stress got so bad I was getting headaches that required prescription meds, an MRI and other treatments. This job has allowed me to add 150 or so pounds and given me atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure. Yet, I've stuck with it about two years longer than I should have.

So, for about a week I have been mulling over an idea. My health issues are out of control, but most of them could be cured with simple diet and exercise. Yet, my job tires me out so bad that I have no energy to exercise and I have self-medicated with food, my only vice, to fight the effects of the stress. If I didn't have the job, I wouldn't have the stress. If I didn't have to go to work, I would have time to exercise and I would have less access to junk food if I was home with a kitchen full of good nutrition choices.

Finding a new job would get rid of the current suckiness of my job, but I would probably be trading high stress for just as high if not higher stress somewhere else. I seem to attract crap jobs.

Thus, leaving the work-a-day world, even for a short time, would allow me to work on my health. Taking a sabbatical to fix my issues might help me a great deal.

There's no way I can afford unemployment. Our money situation is 100 times better than it was two years ago and about 20 better than this time last year - but we still have bills and a quality of life to support. I gotta have my cable Internet and DVR!

I have a 401k that is doing pretty well, despite the Stock Market's volatility. (If you are working and don't have a 401k, you are mad! Never too early to plan for retirement.) If I cashed it out, even after paying taxes and penalties, I'd have the equivalent of what I bring home for six months. That's a heck of a sabbatical! Cashing out one's 401k is not a smart thing, but at the rate I'm going, seeing 65 is getting less likely all the time. Even if I did get there, my medical bills would eat through my savings in a minute.

About three problems appeared when I got to this point. First, I'm a lazy bum. If I did this and failed to at least put my health on the right track, it would have been a huge waste of time and money - not to mention jeopardize getting a job when I'm done. Second, taxes. Retirement accounts like the 401k are loaded with tax pitfalls - especially when you use it in a way that wasn't intended. Last, I gotta have medical insurance. COBRA is expensive, but I should be able to get on my wife's plan, right?

I went to Steph with this plan on Wednesday. She saw its wisdom and its pitfalls. The first point above seemed to bug her the most. She began listing out if-then gates; "If you are going to do this then you will be at the gym everyday." and "If you continued to screw around for 30 days, then your fat ass would be looking for a job" - she was nicer about it than that - but I had to agree. I know I'm a bum, having some metrics as a guide would be a great idea. It was actually something of a relief to be able to find an easy was to regulate this. I'm not looking for a vacation here, I'm looking to fix the bad crap that has built up the last 20 years. Steph said she would look into the insurance aspect of it and I immediately sent email to Judi, Max's Mom and Tax Goddess, with tax questions. This might just be doable!

(Judi, if you are reading this, don't worry about answering my email. It just doesn't matter at this point. How's that for foreshadowing?)

Yesterday, my job proved how fucking back-ass-wards it is in so many ways. Too many ways to list here. But, even in the face of adversity, I kept a smile on my face. I had a way out. This was only temporary. I felt like a depressive who has finally set the date for his suicide - I had a secret, it was going to hurt a bunch of people (my employers in this case) and I was ready to go! Excellent.

After work, Steph and I are driving home. Steph tells me she looked into it. Voluntarily leaving a job doesn't constitute a "change of status" in the eyes of her employer's insurance company. So, the only way I could get onto her insurance would be during open enrollment - in January. I can't last at this job that long. I blew up at Steph - not her fault, I know, but I was so angry. I can't catch a fucking break. I come up with a way that could quite literally save my life, a way to make my life better and of course some insurance company is standing in my way.


I regained some composure and apologized to Steph - but it's not enough. She doesn't deserve me yelling at her. I'm really sorry, hun. I just don't know what to do.

So, in a week or two - maybe sooner, I'm going to start looking for a new job. Maybe something for a non-profit - at least then my work will not be making some rich asshole richer. If I wait around until July when they announce my insult, I mean, "raise" - I'll likely end up in the klink on assault charges.

The bad news is that the stress in my life will likely continue to mount as my body continues to fail more and more egregiously. The good news is that my 401k will pay for one hell of a wake - everyone is invited!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jericho: Network+

I have been studying for over two years on and off, but yesterday I finally took my Network+ test. I passed! I have my first real, non-manufacturer specific certification.

It took two years, two books, a video lecture series and test simulation software to get certified. I wanted to make sure I passed the test and didn't blow the $225 test because I wasn't prepared.

So, the next time I whine that I can't finish a project, I want you all to point me to this entry. I can finish things - I just take my own sweet time!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Max: Autodidact

For a while now I have been wanting to go back to school to study Comp Sci. I have been teching for a long time and have been wanting to get below the surface of computers, beyond hardware and software troubleshooting. I want to make the software, not just support it.

As with most things I desire, school is out of my price range. Lately, it occurred to me that I know how to read. Further, it occurred that there is a lot of info in books. So, I did some digging around for book recommendations from Comp Sci autodidacts. There are some intriguing Comp Sci books out there. And they all cost a bloody fortune (and sadly, not available at the library). So, rather than buying I have been adding those to my Amazon Wishlist. Hopefully in the not too distant future I will be able to afford them. Though I wouldn't complain if someone generous got them for me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Max: Lunix Linux

It took me about four tries this morning to convince my computer that it has an HD. I am still without wireless. And try as I might, I could not get Linux to mount my USB HD, the one with all of my music on it. Also, though I can see Laura's computer on the network, I can't access it as a network share.

I solved both of those issues by loading a web server to Laura's computer, hooking my USB HD to the same and using it as the index. My music and other files are now accessible.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Max: Dammit

In my hurry to get a new HD, I made an amateur mistake. Starbug takes ATA drives and the one I ordered is SATA.

On the other hand, somehow I got Starbug revived once again. I guess I am stuck with a buggy computer until I can afford a new one.

Or some generous person(s) buy me one.

Max: Ding Dong

The dick is dead.

The Rev. Jerry Falwell, the television minister whose 1979 founding of the Moral Majority galvanized American religious conservatives into a political force, died Tuesday at age 73.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Max: Well That Didn't Last

I got one more day's use out of my computer before the HD died again. This time, I could not get it going again. Thanks to Laura's parents, I have a new HD coming this week. Once it is here and installed, I will officially be a full on Linux geek.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Max: Back From The Dead

We have been without AC for a few weeks now. Our house has been an oven. Unfortunately, I didn't think about heat's adverse effect on computers until Starbug started spontaneously rebooting. I shut it down and let it cool down for a few hours. When I tried to restart, it was hosed. I booted to a live Linux CD to see if I could recover anything. It looked like at the very least that my HD was fried. The thing is, I can't afford a new computer. Even if I could, I would really rather wait until I can at least get a a 500 gig HD on a laptop. It would seem my computer mojo is better than I thought. I was able to get the HD working again, but my data was lost.

Seeing as how I was starting from scratch, I decided to give Windows the heave ho. I loaded Ubuntu Linux. So far, it is working a treat except that I have yet to get my wireless card mounted.

Finally some good news. My computer is alive, and thanks to a window unit, we have something resembling AC. If someone would give me a freaking job, I would be in heaven.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Max: Are You Observant?