Monday, July 31, 2006

Max: Singularities and Nightmares, by David Brin

Options for a coming singularity include self-destruction of civilization, a positive singularity, a negative singularity (machines take over), and retreat into tradition. Our urgent goal: find (and avoid) failure modes, using anticipation (thought experiments) and resiliency -- establishing robust systems that can deal with almost any problem as it arises.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Jericho: More Solar Power

Anybody else seen the ads for this Auto Cool Solar Car Fan? This is a cool little product. This is such a simple concept, I can't believe someone hasn't come up with this before.

This is such a cool product, I think it should be standard equipment. I mean, a small solar panel on the dash powering a secondary fan activated with a cheap thermometer. How expensive could that be to add to a car?

This kind of thing just keeps cycling in my head. Why not add a solar cell to a hybrid? A large one, maybe on the roof. Even if it's in a garage with over head light or a window, some light will hit it and charge the battery. Every trickle of solar is a little less fossil fuel - and how much more could it add to the price of a car? Auto manufacturers make it sound impossible to change or update a design. No wonder the third party market is multibillion dollar and the major manufacturers are losing market share.

If the big guys aren't careful, the little guys are going to come up with an open source protocol for manufacturing a modular car. Order the bits, assemble in your drive way with included tools, like a table from IKEA. Then what will the big guys do? Will they make little third party bolt on modules?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Max: Bush Cornholes Constitution

Bush submits new terror detainee bill

"U.S. citizens suspected of terror ties might be detained indefinitely and barred from access to civilian courts under legislation proposed by the Bush administration, say legal experts reviewing an early version of the bill.

A 32-page draft measure is intended to authorize the Pentagon ‘s tribunal system, established shortly after the 2001 terrorist attacks to detain and prosecute detainees captured in the war on terror. The tribunal system was thrown out last month by the Supreme Court.

Senior officials are expected to discuss a final proposal before the Senate Armed Services Committee next Wednesday.

Legal experts said Friday that such language is dangerously broad and could authorize the military to detain indefinitely U.S. citizens who had only tenuous ties to terror networks like al Qaeda."

Friday, July 28, 2006

Jericho: Uniformity

My employers decided to "test" a Friday Jeans Day concept until Labor Day. Most of the offices in my firm have a casual Friday to begin with, but the main office is "Business Casual" 24/7. Why not allow a casual Friday? They want to maintain a more professional image. I'm not sure who they are trying to impress. Clients aren't allowed on most of the floors. In the six years I've been here, I've probably seen less than ten actual clients - most of them were lost, trying to find the conference room floor.

Business Casual is such a joke, it's so vague. Most people have no idea what it means. I hate to say it but the females seem to be the worst offenders. While Blue Jeans are verbotten, blue denim skirts are common. Mid-drift baring clothes are against the rules, but I have seen variations on sheer and low cut that have nearly gone so far as to be belly button revealing. While it's not listed, gold and silver lame' should be outlawed in the workplace!

Either way, if our Jean Day "experiment" is successful, they may allow us to wear jeans again next year on Fridays between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That's right, in the hottest months of the year they may allow really heavy pants. Sigh!

All of this brings to my mind the whole school uniform debate. I went to Catholic school from K to 12. From First through Eighth grade, I had a uniform. In High School, the boys had a dress code (nearly as vague as "business casual") and the girls had a uniform - a very enlightened idea.

I hated the whole deal. I've pretty much hated clothes my entire life. Since college I would probably rather just run around nude than wear clothes. Wearing uncomfortable clothes based on someone else's idea of what clothes should and should not be is just beyond me.

We were told in grade school that uniforms meant that kids wouldn't make fun of other kids for wearing the wrong kinds of clothes. Bull! Apparently the adults were not as creative as the kids. I got made fun of because I didn't wear the right kinds of light blue shirt. I wore polyester blends, while the cool guys wore oxfords. That's right, kids will make fun of other kids no matter what - putting them in uncomfortable clothes will not stop that.

The girls had it worse. They had to wear skirts or jumpers. Not TOO bad, except they had to be plaid and a very specific plaid! If I'm not mistaken, the plaid my grade school used can be found here, plaid #55. So, these things were kinda pricey and hard to find. These days it's easier to find school uniforms. We didn't have the Internet back then. We had JC Penny and if they were out, you were screwed.

Often, because the clothes were at least durable, poor kids wore the jumpers and skirts their older sister wore, or, worse, clothes got passed from family to family. A girl might be the forth or fifth owner of a well loved jumper.

Did the girls catch hell? Sure they did - kids are cruel. Old clothes always attract comments. The white shirts worn with the jumper caused the same problems I went through with my shirts. Then there were always the boys - skirts are infinitely fascinating objects to boys. Girls often found their skirts flying around at chin level due to a boy taking a peek on a previously undeclared "Dress Up Day".

High School just made this whole thing sillier. To begin with, I started high school in 1986 - the height of "80s Fashion". That's right, every girl wanted to be Madonna and every boy wanted to be a combination of Billy Idol, Boy George and Michael Jackson. Kids become even more self conscious in High School. Clothes become a way to display identity and individuality. The guys were constantly drawing fire from the Principal's Office for breaking the "Dress Code" - how one could break something so vague is beyond me. We probably would have been better off having an actual uniform.

The girls were both violators and victims in this scenario. Just because the girls in my high school were supposed to wear a white shirt and navy blue skirt didn't mean they couldn't find variations. Certain girls wore their skirts too short. Skirt measuring seemed to be a favorite pastime of the nuns. Other girls liked to wear sheer shirts with colorful bras or shirts unbuttoned far too low, etc.

Then there were sweaters! Living in STL, Fall is cold and wet and Winter can be bitter indeed. So, in a drafty school building, sweaters were not only allowed but encouraged. At times, it appeared as if there were no dress code for girls at all since they were all in very different colored and textured sweaters. Sometime around 1988, a whole trend of super long sweaters showed up. Girls were wearing sweaters longer than their skirts. That threw up some dust around my school.

Then, there were "jams" - which amounted to brightly colored, really long, um ... shorts. Catholic school girls learned in grade school that boys like to flip up skirts, to counter this, and for general comfort, most girls wore shorts under their skirts. The jams trend splashed neon blues and greens over most of my school. At some point, this became a no-no. One of our disciplinarians took it upon himself to inspect the girls for these contraband shorts by having the girls ..... wait for it ..... lift their skirts! He gathered a group of girls in a class room and told each one to lift'em. Most girls wore shorts, but not all. This lead to another dust up and the retirement of this particular figure. I imagine by now the plate in his head is rusting peacefully in some coffin at Jefferson Barracks cemetery.

I've heard all the arguments about school uniforms and I've heard all the arguments about school dress codes and I have lived through both. I have also heard all the arguments about dress codes in the workplace. It's my opinion that outside the military, any environment where a uniform has protective features and any workplace one might find in a mall, uniforms and dress codes are pointless wastes of time.

Max: San Francisco to insure uninsured

San Francisco to insure uninsured

"The San Francisco Health Access Program would cover more than 80,000 city residents who are now uninsured. The plan would not be mandatory but is based on the assumption that anyone who now lacks health insurance would be willing to pay for coverage. "

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Jericho: Sexy Halloween!

July is nearly over. As the days get shorter and (we hope) the weather begins to cool down - a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of: Halloween!

When I was kid, I loved Halloween. It was my favorite holiday. For one night everyone got to be someone else.

As the years have gone by, and adult concerns have replaced the trials of my younger days, Halloween has become less and less a part of my life.

Recently, I was looking around at Halloween costumes. Why? They are cheaper in the off season! As I looked, I stumbled over this site with some Sexy Costumes!

The link above probably isn't work safe, but it is inspiring! If I got invited to parties where people were wearing these costumes - Halloween would be a much bigger part of my life! Who needs candy? I'd rather see "Kandi" dressed up in a Naughty Nun outfit! Yow! Forget Halloween! This party should happen at least once a week!

Maybe this year, instead of waiting to get invited to a great costume party, I'll just throw one myself! Be my luck everyone will show up in Ren Faire garb!

Max: This Make Brain Hurt

Plenty of nothing A hole new quantum spin

"Known as a hole quantum wire, it exploits gaps – or holes - between electrons. The relationship between electrons and holes is like that between electrons and anti-electrons, or matter and anti-matter.

The holes can be thought of as real quantum particles that have an electrical charge and a spin. They exhibit remarkable quantum properties and could lead to a new world of super-fast, low-powered transistors and powerful quantum computers. "

Max: Gettin' Greener All The Time - Tires help urban sidewalks bounce back

For reasons of safety and ease of maintenance, Washington and dozens of other communities are installing rubber sidewalks made of ground-up tires.

The rubber squares are up to three times more expensive than concrete slabs but last longer, because tree roots and freezing weather won't crack them. That, in turn, could reduce the number of slip-and-fall lawsuits filed over uneven pavement.

Max: US gov't sues Missouri

US gov't sues Missouri officials on AT&T subpoena |

The U.S. government, citing national security concerns, on Tuesday sued Missouri officials for demanding that AT&T Inc. disclose whether it gave customer data to the government's spying program.

Missouri Public Service Commissioners Robert Clayton and Steve Gaw, state utility regulators, had served subpoenas to AT&T Missouri and its affiliates in June amid speculation over their involvement with the National Security Agency.

The government's civil suit, submitted by the U.S. Department of Justice to a district court in Missouri, said the state officials' attempts to obtain the information from AT&T and its affiliates were invalid.

Max: Isreali/Lebanese Coffin Counter

Isreali/Lebanese Coffin Counter

Regardless of the flag on the coffin, each and every one of these deaths was caused by Hezbollah. It's time for Lebanon to ut aside anti-Semitism and and join with Isreal in exorcising from their country this cancerous remnant of the Syrian occupation.

With all due repect to Andrew Sullivan, there are a few of us on the left who aren't afraid to call a terrorist shit a "terrorist shit".

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Jericho: Castle Jones

I have a serious White Castle jones. For those of you that don't know, go educate yourself here:

I grew up on those little burgers. Some of my fondest memories of hanging out with family and friends revolve around White Castle. The thing that REALLY stinks is that I can't find a White Castle anywhere in the area and the last time I was in STL, we were too busy! I haven't had a hot, fresh White Castle in nearly a decade.

I got close. The last time I did a work trip to Chicago, my Mom came from STL for a visit. She surprised me with a bag of Slyders! Even cold, they were like manna from heaven. Fast Food Heaven, but still!

One night Max and I went to White Castle. They had just introduced Chicken Rings. I don't know if they still have them, but I ordered them with Onion Rings. It was so wrong but oh, so right!

Anyone else see Harold & Kumar? yeah, that movie was just torture for me. I just wanted a White Castle!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Max: China to test its 'artificial sun'

China to test its 'artificial sun'

"The first plasma discharge from China's experimental advanced superconducting research center -- the so-called 'artificial sun' -- is set to occur next month."

Max: Billy Idol - "In the Summertime"

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jericho: Green for Good

Even if you do nothing else of lasting value this week, read this article.

Dare to say no to fossil fuels.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Max: Accessing Panic Mode

Laura just took a home pregnancy test.

It would seem that my unemployment makes the Mrs. particularly fecund, as I was jobless the last time I knocked her up.

We have been trying, so on the whole I am happy. But given that I am unemployed at the moment and what happened the last time, I am also scared shitless.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jericho: Grind (Many Apologies to Alice In Chains)

In the darkest hole, you'd be well advised
Not to plan my funeral before the body dies

The machine called out to me. I answered the call, as a slave to a metallic master.

Come the morning light, it's a see through show
What you may have heard and what you think you know

I entered the settings and waited for the beast to come alive under me. With a start, it moved. I joined it movements, sluggish at first. The pace quickened, this was going to be a long, painful session. I deserved no less.

Let the sun never blind your eyes
Let me sleep so my teeth don't grind
Hear a sound from a voice inside

The voices slipped into my ears, wet and cold - but welcome. They are the better part of this act. I pushed on and the machine pushed back; never tiring, inhuman endurance.

Sure to play a part, so you love the game
And in truth your lies become one and same

The machine slows time, or the pain makes it seem so. But, it relentlessly moves onward. I move with the machine, although we are going nowhere.

I could set you free, rather hear the sound
Of your body breaking as I take you down

The pain is worse this time. But I deserve it. I asked for this pain. Too many years without pain got me right where I am. I entered the settings for a higher level than the last session or any session before that. I may break but I will not falter - the machine will not let me stop. The voices coax me on.

Let the sun never blind your eyes

From enclosure to enclosure. From my domicile to the vehicles to the whore pits to vehicles to the machine to my humble palette then back to the vehicles. The machine is the only part of it that makes sense - at least it's the only part that makes any sense right now. At least here, I feel .... something ...

Let me sleep so my teeth don't grind

They'll let me be, I assure myself, only when I am dead.

Hear a sound from a voice inside

The voices coax me on.

In the darkest hole, you'd be well advised
Not to plan my funeral before the body dies

Hissing, humming, banging on - the machine will never let up. I will be lucky to survive this night's work!

Let the sun never blind your eyes
Let me sleep so my teeth don't grind
Hear a sound from a voice inside

Damn, I hate going to the gym!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Max: Shrub Joins U2

Max: Fuck

My former corporate masters at Charter have filed a protest in response to my unemployment claim.

Billionaires think I should be denied a couple hundred so I can survive long to find another job.

Just fucking peachy.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Max: 2 Weeks, 4 Hours

It has been 2 weeks and four hours since I was shown the exit hidden in the back of the HR office.

My return to the ranks of the impoverished from my temporary assignment in the lower middle class so far has been fairly boring. Not a single bite from a single resume.

What fun.