It's cliche by now: the web has changed everything.
But, indeed it has. No matter how hard we try, our information is no longer our own. We are all public figures now. I have often laughed at public figures who go out of their way to promote themselves, then have very public struggles attempting to keep a "private life". Andy Warhol said we would all be famous for 15 minutes - how little he knew!
So, if you were an Internet entrepreneur, how would you get a lot of hits to your site? These days the simple answer is "force everyone to come to my site in order to protect themselves"! It's a neat trick if you can pull it off and just did. At your expense!'s premise is simple and even useful: become a "people search engine" by crawling the web and setting up profiles on all the people one can identify. I have to admit there have been times I have sent an email to a friend listing all of my various social networking pages (MySpace, Friendster, etc.), this blog and other info and wished I could simply point them to a page where all of that info lives - now I can. My Spock profile is
right here.
However, not all is perfect in this scenario. Spock uses tags as a way to describe the individual in question. When the Spock bot crawls a person, it finds words associated with that person and makes them into tags. The profile it made for me listed several normal things "married", "likes reading", "likes politics" - all of this it seems to have culled from looking at my Friendster profile. However, it added one that mystifies me: "likes sex". It's true, I do like sex, I think most humans do to one degree or another. I would just like to know why it picked that tag from my Friendster profile - a rather family friendly profile if ever there was one.
I got off pretty easy, others have gotten worse treatment from Spock. Check out
this article. Yipes!
My advice to you: if you have a profile on the web, check Spock and see what they have done to you. If Spock hasn't found you, make a profile and connect up all the loose ends of your profiles on the web and police the site regularly. I imagine if this kind of thing takes off, your friends will not be the only people checking out your tags.
If you do set up a profile on Spock - add it to the comments below, I'd love to connect to you!