Thursday, June 21, 2007

Max: I Feel Safer Already

Terrorist Caught

On the trip home, screeners with the Transportation Security Administration at Los Angeles International Airport found it deep in the outside pocket of a carry-on cooler. Beaman apologized and told them it was a mistake.

'You've committed a felony,' Beaman says a security screener announced. 'And you're considered a terrorist.'

Beaman says she was told her name would go on a terrorist watch-list and that she would have to pay a $500 fine.

'I'm a 57-year-old woman who is taking care of 37 kids,' she told them. 'I'm not gonna commit a terrorist act.' Beaman says they took information from her Washington drivers license and confiscated and photographed the knife according to standard operating procedure.

Max: Incarcerex

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Max: A Bit Of The Future

The Vertical Farm Project

The concept of indoor farming is not new, since hothouse production of tomatoes, a wide variety of herbs, and other produce has been in vogue for some time. What is new is the urgent need to scale up this technology to accommodate another 3 billion people. An entirely new approach to indoor farming must be invented, employing cutting edge technologies. The Vertical Farm must be efficient (cheap to construct and safe to operate). Vertical farms, many stories high, will be situated in the heart of the world's urban centers. If successfully implemented, they offer the promise of urban renewal, sustainable production of a safe and varied food supply (year-round crop production), and the eventual repair of ecosystems that have been sacrificed for horizontal farming.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jericho: UMPC

Who do I have to kill or sleep with to live in this world?

Anybody else notice that this vision of the future from Intel features a lot of devices that look like the grand-children of the Apple iPhone? Hmmmmm ...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Jericho: Ten Down

As of this morning I weigh 503. I've lost 10 pounds in a week. Not bad.

Don't freak out. I know losing more than a pound a day is bad. But, when you weigh as much as I do, losing a pound a day is pretty easy - just diet and get off the couch. Not that dieting is easy, but if you can actually do it, the weight melts off. I also know that I won't stay at this rate forever - I'll be here until I am only reasonably overweight instead of galacticly overweight.

And there's the rub. Steph is really excited I lost ten pounds and she is being very supportive and encouraging. I love her for that. However, I just can't seem to get too excited about this. I've lost weight before, screwed it up and gained it back. Heck, when I started dieting three years ago, I weighed 475 - I gotta lose another 28 pounds just to get back to that.

It's a really long road and 10 pounds is about 3 percent of what I need to lose. I'll be a little more excited thirty pounds from now.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Max: 369

That is the number of days I will have been unemployed when I start my new job.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Jericho: The 513 Pound U-Turn

The CPAP machine is working out really well. I don't care if it's just a placebo effect - I have way more energy than I am used to. I get up from my desk and walk off to the bathroom at a real clip - only to end up with my heart machine gunning in my chest. I might have energy, but the body has been on the couch for the last five years. It will need time to catch up.

This machine is what I hope will be the first step in a real U-turn for me. I have meds and a CPAP and today I'm back on my diet. All along the synergy has been against me. I was putting on weight, which was making my apnea worse, which was cutting into my sleep and lowering my metabolism, which was allowing me to put on even more weight, et cetera, ad nauseum.

Now, I have my CPAP restoring my sleep, which is giving me back my sleep and my energy. I am dieting, so we are in a calorie deficit. With the extra energy I might get some exercise. If I can get some weight off, my apnea will lessen, which will make sleep even easier and better, which will allow me to be more energetic and get more time on the treadmill, et cetera. I think I can get synergy back on my side!

But, the start of any journey is often the hardest part. This morning I got on the scale. That's enough to make you want to put your CPAP back on and go back to sleep for the rest of the week. The scale said I weigh 513. That is officially the most I have ever weighed.

It's like a freekin' death sentence. I'm hanging on a cross made out of pizza and fried chicken, a scroll over my head reads "DXIII". There was something in my mind that said "There's no way you weigh more than 500 pounds - there's no way you can gain more weight". But, sure as there are calories in a donut, I can weigh more than 500 pounds! Six hundred pounds sits out there in the distance, hunting me like a really fat but voracious predator.

This will happen. I will take the weight off. I feel better than I have in years. The immediate goal is get back under 500. I can do that with one hand tied behind my back. Maybe I should tie up my hand - harder to feed myself!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Max: Ten Ways Dick Cheney Can Kill You

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Jericho: Who's that guy?

It's rare to see me without a beard. I thought I'd share.

Lost the beard for the sleep test. I plan to grow it back as much as my CPAP mask will allow.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Max: Dirty Hippy Dies

Quadriplegic Serving 10-Day Sentence For First-Time Marijuana Charge Dies In DC Jail

A 27-year-old quadriplegic man sentenced to serve ten days in a Washington, DC jail on charges that he possessed a minor amount of marijuana died while in custody last week due to inadequate health care, including prison officials' failure to provide him with a ventilator.

Boo hoo. I bet he OD'd on some pot one of his hippy friends smuggled in. Smoking pot makes baby Jesus cry. If you make baby Jesus cry, you get what you deserve.

Max: My Wife The Star

As we speak, Laura is at her first paid acting gig. She has a bit part in The Return, starring Tim Robbins.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Jericho: Burgled

It's been a mixed up couple of days.

Tuesday night I went in for my sleep test. For those of you who don't read this act of love regularly, I'm fat. Real fat. I've also had sleep apnea since about college. Non-diagnosed sleep apnea, but there it was still the same. No shock. I'm over weight, a white male and now I'm approaching middle age. There is also a family history. So, there was nothing unusual about the fact that I couldn't sleep on my back without waking up in the middle of the night after having not breathed for a while. Which grew into not getting much sleep because I kept waking up to breathe.

When my atrial fibrillation started up, it always seemed to go in the same pattern. I'd wake up out of a dream, I'd draw in a deep breath and then my heart would lose it's mind and start trying to Break Dance and do the Twist at the same time. One of the emergency room workers suggested that it might be being kicked off by my apnea.

Since I started in earnest three years ago to fight my weight, we've known I should get a sleep study. So, last Thursday I talked with the doctor and Tuesday night I spent my first overnight in the hospital ever. To cut a longer story short, they deemed that I was going up to 45 seconds at a time without breathing, that my oxygen levels were dropping to 75% and that my heart would try to lose its mind when my oxygen levels got low. In short, I needed to be on a CPAP machine.

We could see in the test results that my lowest oxygen levels and the times when I stopped breathing were during REM sleep. This completely groks with my experience. I'd always seem to wake out of a dream, take a huge breath and then try to fall back to sleep.

Wednesday morning they hooked me up with the CPAP device and sent me to work.

Last night Steph and I came home from work. As we approached the apartment, Steph commented that she must of left the lights on when she left. You see, while I was off having my sleep study - Steph was home alone all night. She likes a lot more light than I do and sometimes forgets to turn them off in the morning. As we approached the door, Steph saw that the screen for the window near the door was not on the window but on the ground next to the window. This began to freak her out. With good reason.

There has been a recent rash of break ins in and around our apartment complex. We're off the main road, but not too far off and there are two large apartment complexes in that area - all prime for picking. Steph gingerly tried the door and it was unlocked. My wife might leave lights on, but locks are meant to be locked! She locks everything as many times as she can. This was not normal. She grabbed the CPAP and other stuff I was carrying and asked me to go in first.

I opened the door not knowing (but having a clue) what I would find. I went directly where the crooks would go - our office. Two new laptops were missing. Steph needed a computer for the classes she is taking. The first one we bought was too bulky so it became my game machine, it was only six months old. We bought her a new machine less than a month ago. Both of those were gone. My iMac was still still right where it should be. The Mac G4 was still on the desk. I guess they didn't like Apples.

We didn't realize it at the time, but they had unplugged and stolen a four year old Palm Pilot and cradle that they had to disconnect from the iMac. I paid $125 for it in January, but I had trouble getting it to work and the battery was dying. The $300 Palm we bought for Steph was sitting on a shelf five feet away and they missed it - funny.

They tore apart the bedroom. They seemed focused on Steph's bra drawer - but all they found were bras - which they left on the floor. They went through the drawers next to the bed - all they found were my big boobs porn tapes - don't know if they took any - but I need to replace those VHS tapes anyway. They found our fire box in the closet, they jimmied it open - breaking it permanently. All that was there were our papers - which they left. We think they were looking for jewelry or cash - Steph was wearing her jewelry and the only cash in the room was a plastic jug of change about half full - maybe $150 bucks - which they took.

They also managed to find our fairly new digital camera, our six year old digital camera and an old inexpensive film camera which they may have mistaken for digital. In all, they probably walked out with about $3500 bucks of stuff.

We called the cops. A lone officer showed up. She took our statement and gave us a case number. That's it. No big investigation, nothing. No prints taken. Probably not worth the effort - everyone knows to wear gloves and it's not like someone was killed.

We called the insurance. We made our claim and gave them the case number.

I'm at a point now that I think we were hit by professionals. They knew what they wanted. I don't think they spent much time in the house. Even the way they broke in - they didn't come through the window as we first thought - the window still had the "safety pin" inserted and I doubt a thief would have taken the time to reinsert it. Steph tells me she thinks the lock is harder to turn, so I think they may have broken in using a lock picking device, something like a snap gun or maybe something more modern.

Anyway, we cleaned up and we both called in sick to work. We wanted to get several things taken care of the next day - the biggest of which was working with the claims adjuster.

So, that's the bad news.

The good news is that I wore my CPAP and got at least eight hours of really great sleep. I felt really good this morning - better than I had in quite a while. Oxygen isn't for losers!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Max: Broke and Broken

As if my life isn't difficult enough.

Laura and I had some free movie passes and were going to make a double feature out of Knocked Up and Pirates of the Caribbean. On the way there, we stopped at the library, primarily so I could renew my card so I could use the online reservation system again but also to grab a couple of books.

We had just pulled out of the parking lot and were heading north on Lindbergh when I noticed a black car coming out of another lot. Somewhere in the back of my brain, a little voice calmly observed that if he didn't turn, he was going to hit us. Then another, louder voice said, "MOTHERFUCKERHEISGOINGTOFUCKING..." That is as far as the voice got before he slammed into the side of Laura's car and we were eating air bag.

Laura's car is wrecked. We are both bruised and slightly burnt from the air bags exploding. On top of everything else.

I could go on, but my hand is killing me and I don't feel like typing any more.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Jericho: Allow me to be clear.

I am not some crypto-fascist war monger - as I am sometimes painted on this site.

Mao Zedong once said that political power flows from the barrel of a gun. Mao has a point, but he was way more militant than I. I prefer Roosevelt's idea of walking softly but carrying a big stick - it's still too violent, but it's along the right idea.

It is impossible to bargain from a position of power if you have no power. As the kids say today - duh! However, power comes in many forms. Certainly, a strong military will grant you power. But, as the Soviet Union proved, a military is only as strong as your economy. The United States is the richest nation on Earth. We have a robust economy - even in the worst of times - don't be fooled! We are voracious consumers and as time passes we are consuming far more than we produce. Thus, many nations want to keep us happy because we buy their product. That, however, can be a double edged sword.

When Hussein took Kuwait before the first Gulf War, many in the US were concerned. We were concerned that Hussein was gearing up to be a new Hitler, taking the Rhineland all over again. But, this wasn't enough to bring our troops to "liberate Kuwait". It took concern of another kind. Hussein went after Kuwait for the oil, why not take Saudi Arabia? Saudi implored the US, fearing Hussein. We dropped troops in Saudi first. So, here is a country with no military to speak of, who can summon the most powerful military in the world to its defence. In that case, political power flowed from the oil field. Without their oil, or with higher oil prices set by Hussein, our economy would have been in trouble. I would have loved to see the protests by the "No Blood for Oil" crowd when their houses went dark and gas rose to $10 a gallon.

There is a place for military power. There is a place for diplomacy. If you were a powerful country, would you care what a diplomat said if there wasn't a powerful military or a powerful economy behind that diplomat? No, you wouldn't. Why would you waste your time?

There is a place and time for war, for peace, for diplomacy, for embargo and for charity - a worthy leader would know when to do which. A coward will always choose war. A brave leader will always choose peace. Sometimes a brave leader needs to be a little cowardly. Hussein only understood war. Hitler only understood hate. Gandhi only understood peace. All of them were wrong - they all could have used a lesson in flexibility.

Leaving Hussein to his own devices was a bad idea - he would have taken over the entirety of the Middle East in a few years, killed those that he hated and jacked up oil prices so high our economy would have collapsed. We took him down several pegs in the early 90s. We removed him from power this time. All told we lost about 10,000 troops. It seems like a lot - but remember about 30,000 American troops died in Normandy on D-Day. One battle! One day! Now that Hussein is gone, we need to make sure that the Iraq government can hold its own, then we need to get the hell out of there! They hate us and everything we stand for. When we came to liberate, they cheered, then two days later they booed. They are very much like the French!

We may have to go back and clean up Iraq more than once. Diplomacy is failing in Iran, we may have to resort to military action. Diplomacy seems to be keeping North Korea at bay for the moment. It also seems to be working in China.

I wish Diplomacy worked every time, it doesn't. I wish we didn't need to make less powerful countries client states, but it seems to be the only way to go. I wish our economy was independent of all other factors but its not. We can't live without the rest of the globe and we can't allow them to live without us.